Page 74 of A Laird's Conquest

Any hope Robbie might have harboured that despite all appearances The Fenwick intended to protect Kat from his men was dispelled in the next instant. Words were exchanged between Katherine and the laird, then without warning he raised his fist and backhanded her across her cheek.

Robbie’s roar of outrage was only matched by the howls of glee from the baying mob surrounding the cart. He leapt to his feet, his dagger in his hand.

More words were exchanged between the laird and Kat, but Robbie could not hear what was said over the hooting and cheering. The laird’s intentions were plain enough, though, when he flung his plaid up around his waist and strode to the cart. From where he watched, Robbie had a splendid view of The Fenwick’s bare arse, and it was clear from Kat’s shriek of outrage what her view consisted of.

“Not happening,” Robbie muttered.

“Aye,” James concurred, his hand raised to order their men to attack.

The laird stood over Katherine, stroking his cock. He had turned to the side, affording Robbie a clear view of the man’s dangling bollocks and monstrous erection. Then, he grasped Katherine by the chin and attempted to force her mouth open.

I shall slice that prick off and feed it tae ye…

The Fenwick laughed suddenly. He yelled to Angus to leap up onto the cart alongside him. The man eagerly obeyed, his dirk drawn. He, too, bent over Katherine, but the blade of his dagger was at her face.

Robbie had seen enough. Too much. His own dagger left his hand at the same instant James yelled the command to attack.

The king’s men surged from the undergrowth as one and fell upon the astonished and unprepared Fenwicks. The ensuing fight was short and decisive, but Robbie’s focus had narrowed to nothing but the two remaining occupants of the cart. He paused only to retrieve his dagger from the lifeless body of his own clansman who lay face-down in the dirt where he belonged, then he flung himself at The Fenwick.

His adversary was inches taller than himself, and heavier to boot, but that additional bulk was no match for Robbie’s sheer fury. Add to that the element of surprise, so carefully and effectively cultivated, and the outcome was never in doubt.

Robbie sank his dagger into the other man’s gullet, dragged it upwards through the man’s flesh, at the same time twisting hard. It was a death blow, but not one that would kill instantly. This was just as Robbie intended.

He left his fatally wounded enemy to writhe in the cart, wallowing in his own blood and entrails, and turned to Kat. Her jaw was swollen from the brutal blow, and blood still trickled from her lip. It took him just a moment to slice through the leather strap binding her wrists, then he pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

“Thank the Lord,” he muttered. “I thought I might never…”

“I knew you would come. I prayed…” She was sobbing now, her slender body shuddering as she clung to him. “I love you, Robbie.”

He kissed her matted hair, snarling silently to himself when he inhaled the unmistakeable scent of dried blood. He turned to regard the dying man behind him and made up his mind.

He used his dagger to hack a few feet off his own plaid and draped it around his wife’s shoulders. “Ye’re safe now, sweetheart. Oh, and did I mention that I love ye, too?”

“I know,” she whispered. “I think I always knew it.” She hesitated, then, “One of them, he was your…”

“I ken who he was. An’ he met a merciful end, considerin’.”

“All the same…”

He kissed her, on her bruised mouth this time. His touch was gentle, he had no wish to hurt her, but she insisted upon wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back.

A throat cleared close by. Robbie raised his head and grinned at his king. “Is all settled?” he asked, though he already knew the outcome had been a foregone conclusion.

“Aye,” James confirmed. “Three dead, the rest subdued. We shall march them back to Edinburgh for trial.” He inclined his chin to Katherine. “It is my great pleasure to see you again, Lady Roxburghe.”

“Y-Your Majesty,” Kat stammered, clutching the plaid to her chest. “I did not… I mean, I never imagined…”

The king’s grin was genuine and warm. “Your husband is my dearest and most trusted friend, Lady Katherine. What is precious to him is also dear to me.” That said, he paused to consider the man bleeding to death before them. “I doubt this one will make it to Edinburgh, though. What d’ye mean to do with him, Robbie?”

“This.” Robbie wiped the blade of his dagger on The Fenwick’s filthy, blood-soaked plaid, then flung the man’s kilt up around his waist again. The huge erection had dwindled to a flaccid and rather pathetic-looking sliver of wrinkled flesh. Robbie viewed it with distaste, then prodded it with the point of his dirk. “Kat, ye dinnae need tae watch this,” he murmured.

Katherine’s gasp of horror was the only indication that she comprehended her husband’s intention. She did not move from his side.

Heedless of the blood and gore pouring from the dying man’s abdomen, Robbie leaned over to glare into The Fenwick’s near-lifeless eyes. “Ye were keen enough tae stick yer cock in my wife’s mouth. That willnae happen, but I wouldnae wish ye tae be too disappointed. Ye can suck on yer own prick for the short while ye will remain on this earth. Enjoy.”

With a quick flick of his wrist, he sliced the man’s limp penis from his body. Blood gushed from the wound, but Robbie ignored it. He held the severed organ in the palm of his hand for a moment, regarding it with a sort of amused disgust, then he grasped Fenwick’s chin and forced his jaws apart.

His work done, Robbie got to his feet and watched dispassionately for a few moments while The Fenwick gurgled up at him, wide-eyed, choking on his own dick.