Page 48 of A Laird's Conquest

She parted her thighs, then gasped when he swept his fingers through her folds. His hand came away wet.

“Ah. I thought as much. Ye truly are a naughty little countess, are ye not, Kat?”

“I have no idea what you might mean,” she replied, seeking to inject as much indignation as possible into her words. She knew exactly what he referred to and was utterly baffled by her body’s response to this treatment.

He was hurting her. Hurting her more than anyone ever had, in her entire life. But still, something quivered and clenched low down in her abdomen. Her body throbbed in places she preferred not to mention as a rule, and the peculiar reaction could not be simply attributed to the earl’s dexterity with a switch. He had set her bottom aflame but ignited a fire elsewhere, also.

“No?” He stroked his palm over her soaked cunny once more, then slipped one long finger inside her. “When we are done here, and if you ask me politely, I shall be happy to deal with this itch for you.”

“I do not…oooh!”

He withdrew his digit, then drove it deep again, twisting it inside her to create the friction she had not even realised she craved.

“Are ye quite sure, Kat?” he bent to murmur in her ear, all the while continuing to tease and torment her. He added a second finger and gently nudged her feet further apart with his toe. Then, he set the switch down and used the now freed hand to reach around her. The pad of his middle finger found her swollen nubbin, and he caressed it with a feather-like touch.

Arousal surged. Katherine moaned and rolled her hips. Residual pain mingled with pleasure to create a heady concoction. She writhed against the oak of the table and squeezed her inner channel around the fingers filling her.

She wanted more. Needed more. Needed everything.

“Robbie…” she rasped. “Please…”

He kissed the nape of her neck, then straightened to withdraw his fingers. “Soon, my little English. But first…” He palmed her throbbing buttocks with both hands, then eased them apart to expose her needy cunny to his gaze.

Katherine lost track of time. She had no notion how long he waited, holding her open to enjoy the sight of her inflamed flesh at his leisure, though she felt the heat of his perusal as keenly as the stripes he had painted on her arse.

He squeezed her buttocks. She yelped in pain, at the same time praying that he would not stop.

What is wrong with me?

Nothing that would not be fixed if he would just fill me with his cock…

“I believe ye an’ I will get on very well indeed, Kat.” His tone thickened.

She detected the growl of arousal.

Robbie relinquished his grip and bent to retrieve the switch. He paused to dip it in the bucket again, then shook the droplets off. “Are ye ready?”

She must not be thinking straight. Katherine nodded.

The switch whistled through the air. Agony exploded across her thighs, even more sensitive than the flesh of her bottom. The pain was excruciating, but exhilaration swept dread and fear aside. It was intoxicating. Sensation washed over her, through her. She was cleansed, purified.

The final two strokes fell, each just a little harder than the one before. Katherine soaked them up, absorbed what was happening as though in a trance. She was but dimly aware when Robbie tossed the last switch onto the fire, then loosened the ties on his trousers.

His cock entered her, deep and slow. Filling her. Stretching her.

She panted, wriggling against him. Her bottom stung as she rubbed against his hips, but she did not care. It felt good. It felt right.

He parted her smarting buttocks again, and this time placed the tip of his finger at her rear hole. She winced when he applied pressure, when he began to slide it inside her most private place. But she let it happen.

Shewantedit to happen.

Impossibly full, she could only groan when he started to move. Long, demanding, driving strokes, his cock in her cunny and his finger in her arse. He added a second finger. It hurt, but the pleasure was greater.

Intense, grounding, there was nothing, no one else in her world but him. Here, in these moments of supreme intimacy as he used her aching body as he saw fit.

And she loved every wicked moment of it.

Pleasure soared. Her climax erupted. She was overwhelmed by the sensation and could only cling to the table while waves of delight swept through her. Katherine forgot to breathe as she was tossed around by wave after glorious wave, sending her senses spinning.