Page 30 of A Laird's Conquest

Among the household which she was to manage, she was, at least, now acquainted with the motherly woman of middling years named Bridie Hollett. Mistress Hollett was the housekeeper and cook, and Mattie assured her, exceptionally good at her job.

“Ye shall be in charge, o’ course, but ye would do well tae heed Bridie. She knows the ways here better than most.”

The woman seemed affable enough. Katherine resolved to foster the relationship. She appreciated the benefits of a reliable and capable cook.

She had also met one of the many maidservants, Agnes Blunt, who bobbed a curtsey and informed her that most knew her as Aggie.

“I took care o’ the old earl, my lady. Not for long, mind, but…”

“Aggie is a loyal and diligent lass, “Mattie informed Katherine after the girl scuttled away in search of more ale. “Are ye thinking of bringing a lady’s maid wi’ ye? If not, ye could do worse than Aggie.”

“I had not thought of it…”

“Well, Aggie would be a good choice.”

The girl might also become another friend in this strange and likely hostile place. Katherine decided to speak with Robbie on the matter at the earliest opportunity.

The earl himself was seated at the head the table in a large carver chair. From time to time he caught her eye and would raise his goblet to her in a polite salute. Katherine was relieved not to find herself seated closer. She was not sure she would be able to maintain her composure were he to resort to his usual blunt style of conversation. Better to deal with him out of earshot of the rest of the household, at least until she found her feet among these Scots.

She feared that might take a while.

The rest of the evening passed in something of blur. A succession of platters was placed before the guests, one after the other. Katherine was familiar with some of the food offered, the roast meats, the vegetables, the hearty broth made of lamb and carrots. Other dishes were new to her, but she tried everything set before her. This was to be her home, and she must learn to adapt.

Mattie helped. “You must try this sausage,” she exclaimed, slicing a generous portion and laying in on the trencher she shared with Katherine. “It is a sheep’s stomach, stuffed with the heart, liver, and lungs, all minced together with oatmeal, onions, herbs, and other spices which Bridie refuses to tell us about. ’Tis very good.”

Katherine was unconvinced. The dish did not sound especially appetising, but she stabbed a chunk of the offered delicacy with the point of her small dagger and took a bite. The taste was not as she expected. She found it to be nutty in texture and savoury on her tongue. Pleasantly surprised, Katherine chewed, swallowed, and helped herself to more.

Clearly, the inhabitants of Roxburghe enjoyed a wholesome and varied diet. Katherine believed she might be able to suggest some additions from her own repertoire, but Bridie Hollett clearly ran an efficient kitchen. She was urged to sample roast game, doubtless from the Roxburghe estates, as well as succulent fish, poached in creamy milk. Dishes of wild boar, venison, rabbit, grouse, and swan were accompanied by an array of fruit fritters, vegetables, nuts, and berries.

Katherine tried everything and found herself keen to compare culinary notes with Mistress Hollett at the earliest opportunity. Fresh, good quality meat and vegetables were important, but the woman obviously had a deft way with herbs and spices, too. Eventually, Katherine set her dagger aside and declared herself stuffed.

“But you must try the Florentine pie,” Mattie insisted. “It is the finest dish of all.”

“What is in it?” Katherine was not familiar with the name.

“’Tis a recipe brought back from France by the earl. He is especially fond of it. I am not certain, but I believe it is made of oysters, rabbit, and other meats, all wrapped in pastry.”

“Oh.” Katherine eyed the steaming pie. It did truly smell delightful. Perhaps she might manage just a little…

Mattie was right. The delicate flavours danced upon her tongue. It was clear that Katherine’s skills would be sorely tested if she was to maintain the standards already set here. It was also apparent that her future husband possessed both a cultured palate and the experience of extensive travel among the courts of Europe. Not for the first time, she found herself baffled at what he might see in an unexciting English noblewoman with no dowry to speak of and about as much experience of the world as Solomon the hound.

“I am tired after the journey,” she muttered to Mattie. “Do you suppose anyone would take it amiss if I was to retire for the night?”

“Of course not. I shall show you to the chamber allocated for your use. It is very pleasant, overlooking the moors to the east and with a view of the loch, too.”

Katherine would have preferred to slip away unobtrusively, but it was not to be. They were seated close to the centre of the bench, so it was necessary to disturb others in order to leave the table. Katherine apologised to all those forced to get to their feet to let her out. Eventually, she found herself standing at the end of the table, beside her husband-to-be’s ornate chair.

He rose to kiss her hand. “You are leaving so soon?”

“I fear I must. I am exhausted. The journey…”

“I understand. I trust the meal was to your liking.”

“Very much so, my lord. Now, if you will excuse me…?”

“I shall show you to your chamber.” He tucked her hand in his elbow.

“There is no need. Mattie has kindly offered.” Katherine tried to withdraw her hand without being unduly obvious about it. “You must have pressing matters to discuss with Stephen. Please, do not let me disturb you.”