He appreciated the sentiment, and her requirements did not seem unreasonable. Robbie lowered his chin until his forehead rested upon hers. “I will be a faithful husband.”
“No mistresses?”
“Not at present, and none in the future, either.”
She chewed on her lower lip for a moment, then, “That thing you said…”
“What thing, my lady?”
“About…about spanking me…”
Ah, that.“Yes? What of it?”
“I could not bear a violent husband, either. I… I mean to be a good wife, but I will not stand to be beaten if you are displeased.”
His tone was deliberately low when he replied, “A spanking is not a beating, Kat.”
Her neat ebony-hued eyebrows rose. “I disagree. How could it be otherwise?”
“I would never raise my hand to you in anger.”
“That is not an answer.”
“Yes, it is. As your husband, I promise to care for you, to see to your safety and security. I will never let you come to harm.”
Her brow furrowed. “Yes, but…”
“If I do spank you, and I may since it is the duty of a husband to protect his wife, it will be to ensure your wellbeing. Never in anger, and I will never do you harm.”
Her brow creased. “I do not understand.”
“No, I can tell that you do not. But here is the thing. Do you trust me, Kat?”
“No, not yet. I do not know you very well.”
It was fair enough answer. He appreciated her blunt honesty. Robbie opted to rephrase his question.
“Do you believe you could come to trust me? Could I earn that, from you?”
She did not answer at once, for which Robbie was thankful. It was an important question, one requiring proper consideration. At last, she looked up at him and slowly nodded.
“I could learn to trust you.”
He brushed his lips across hers. “Thank you. I mean to ensure that you never regret that.”
“May I ask you one more question? I know that you are eager to be away…”
“I have time for you, Kat. Ask what you like.”
“Why do you wish to wed me? Is it…is it out of pity? Because of what we discussed last night?”
Now it was Robbie’s turn to consider his words with care. Lady Katherine had an uncanny knack of discerning his thoughts and motives. Whilst he would not have described his feelings as pity, exactly, hewasconcerned for her. He felt she deserved better, was entitled to expect more from her life. She was fine woman with much to offer a husband. He could certainly do worse. A lot worse.
But he did not say that. Instead, he said what was uppermost in his mind.
“I want you. ’Tis that simple.”
“But you hardly know me.”