Page 54 of A Laird's Conquest

“Now that Iamyour wife,” she continued, “I would like to be treated in the same manner as the rest of your household. I shall learn your ways, learn to understand your manner of speech, and your people. Be one of them.”

He kissed her on the mouth. “I am pleased to hear it.”

Katherine righted herself in the saddle, and they continued on. She still found the silence awkward and racked her brains for what she should say next.

Robbie solved her dilemma. “I did not find time tae mention, sweetheart, that ye look delightful. I am the envy of every man for miles around.”

“Thank you. Flora and Frances helped me to make my gown.”

“Ye did well, all o’ ye.” He nudged the shoulder of her bodice to one side to bare more of her flesh. “This is a beautiful gown, a triumph, but I do really prefer ye without.”

Heat soared from her chest to engulf her face. “Can you not wait until we are alone, at least?” she hissed.

“I suppose I could, if I must. How far is it back to the castle?”

“Not far. But we have a feast awaiting us. Guests, and—”

“I was thinkin’ tae let Stephen deal wi’ all o’ that. My plans for ye are not ones which should be indulged in a hall packed wi’ hungry guests.”

She flushed hotter. Was it possible his intentions seemed even more indecent when pronounced in his natural accent? Could he not show even a modicum of decorum whilst they were out, in broad daylight?

It would seem not. He dug his heels in the stallion’s flanks, and the beast broke into a canter. The earl raised his hand in a cheerful salute to Stephen and Flora as they passed, then urged the animal to a gallop.

“Your chamber or mine?” he demanded as he assisted her to dismount in the Elborne bailey.

“We should—”

“Yours, then.” He grasped her hand and towed her into the keep. He bypassed the great hall entirely and proceeded to urge her up the stairs. “Which o’ these doors is yours?”

“That one, but—”

Katherine got no further. Her husband swept her off her feet and marched through the door she had indicated, kicking it shut behind them with the back of his heel. He set her down in the centre off the room.

“My lady?” One of the maidservants had been crouching beside the hearth replenishing the fire. She leapt to her feet, flustered at their sudden arrival. “I had not realised…”

“You may leave us, lass.” Robbie gestured to the door. “Oh, and you may inform the marquis that we shall be a while and do not wish to be disturbed.”

“I… I…” The bewildered girl appealed silently to her mistress.

“It is quite all right, Molly,” Katherine assured her. “I shall summon you if I need anything.”

The girl bobbed a grateful curtsey and fled, taking care to close the door behind her.

“Really, you near enough scared the girl to death,” Katherine admonished as soon as they were alone. “I suppose it must have been the kilt…”

He shrugged, but his expression was one of undiluted lust. “I could take it off.”

“I…” Katherine abandoned any attempt to inject a note of decorum.

Undaunted, Robbie continued. “I shall apologise to the lassie later. Perhaps.” He advanced upon her.

Katherine retreated but soon came to a halt, the edge of her bed at the back of her legs.

“Yer gown is exquisite, sweet Kat,” he murmured, “as I have already observed. But I need ye tae be out of it. Since I dismissed your maid, I suppose I must assist ye.”

“I can manage,” she began.

“Still, indulge me.” He began to work on the laces holding her bodice together and soon loosened the garment enough to reveal the fine lace chemise beneath. Here, the fastenings were more delicate, and he appeared to be fumbling.