“Ah, no squeezing your nipples then? Is that what ye had in mind?”

She nodded, grimacing. Normally she loved such play, but now the very thought caused her to wince.

He smoothed her tangled hair back from her face to kiss her again, though this time he merely brushed his lips across hers. “I shall be your husband and you my lady. You ken well enough that I enjoy rough bed sport and I ken that you have a liking for it too though you may prefer not to say so, delicate English flower that you are. But if ever I hurt you, scare you, do something that displeases you, I would have you tell me, aye? Pregnant or no, but especially now. Are we in accord on this, my lady?”

“Yes, Blair. Perfectly.”

“Good, so shall we be rid of this then?” He tugged at the ties securing the neck of her gown and succeeded in loosening them.

Roselyn got to her knees and caught the lower hem between her hands. She lifted the garment and dragged it over her head. “I am yours, Laird.”

“Aye, lass, and let none forget it. Now, if you would be so good as to lie back and spread your legs for me…?”

His fingers were gentle, almost reverent as he traced the outline of her aching breasts. He licked her tender nipples, first one, then the other. Roselyn sighed; the sensation was soothing, and so intimate she believed she might weep.

He cared about her, he wanted her. She, and their precious child.

Blair shifted lower. His lips travelled across her still flat belly, kissing the spot beneath which she believed her tiny baby to nestle. He continued on to draw the tip of his tongue around her wet lower lips, then he gently parted her entrance with his fingers. She gasped, and waited as he blew on her hot, wet core. Roselyn stiffened, her body poised and expectant as she held her breath. The sensation when he at last drove two fingers deep caused her pussy to convulse, her inner walls quivering around his slow, probing digits. He found that special place and pressed there, at the same time as he took her clitty in his mouth and sucked on it. Was there ever a feeling so delightful, such a joyous sensation, such sublime pleasure?

Her body trembled, every part of her was alive, clenching, writhing as he played her, drew her response from her amidst shudders she could not even start to control. Her arousal swelled and she knew she was close. Would he allow her her release?

“My lord…?”

“Take it. Take all of it, my love.”

So she did. All of it and more. Her climax peaked and she had barely finished shaking before he slid his solid cock into her hot sheath. Roselyn managed to utter his name but would have been hard put to recall her own when he withdrew and drove forward again. She lifted her hips, seeking more, urging him deeper, then she clamped her legs around his waist and simply hung on.

I love you, I love you, I love you.The words reverberated around her head as he drove her higher still, his body stretching hers, his cock filling her.

“I love you too, my beautifulSassenach,” he murmured.

Roselyn cried out as her release seized her again. A kaleidoscope of remembered colours exploded behind her eyelids and she believed she might be flying. He thrust again, hard this time, then harder still before he stopped and held his body motionless. Only his cock moved, jerking hard within her tight body as he sprayed his seed into her womb.

Chapter Eleven

“‘Tis a fine sight, would ye no’ agree?” Aiden stood beside his laird on the Duncleit battlements, his hand shading his eyes from the sun which hung low in the sky this early spring evening. The mists which had earlier in the day smothered their glen in a thick, impenetrable blanket had lifted at last to reveal the stark, wild beauty of the landscape which surrounded the McGregor keep.

“Aye, none better,” agreed Blair, though his gaze was not on the distant hills. Rather he regarded his wife of the past four months, Lady Roselyn McGregor, as she made her heavy way across his bailey. Roselyn’s belly was gloriously rounded, her pregnancy now in its seventh month. The bairn was a strong little thing too, he mused quietly, if the hearty kicks the pair of them endured most nights were any indication. He wondered that Roselyn ever got a wink of sleep, though she did appear to be blooming.

Aiden cleared his throat and Blair returned his attention to the matter in hand. “I ken that you are concerned about Mortain? What news do you have?”

“Ingram has been seen at Etal, seeking to retake his stronghold there.”

Blair was already aware of his enemy’s return. Aiden’s impeccable sources had brought the intelligence to them several weeks earlier but Blair refused to risk his men and horses in a foolhardy midwinter dash across Scotland. His old adversary would still pay for his crimes, but there was no rush.

“We did a good enough job there. He will find little comfort in his old seat.”

“True, which is why I fear he may turn his attention to Mortain. The estate is near enough to Etal to be tempting, an’ he will anticipate little in the way of resistance, especially as most of those who now dwell within the estate are Ingram’s old retainers. He will expect loyalty, perhaps even a safe haven.”

Blair’s brow furrowed. He knew well enough the implications of such a threat. “You believe we should be ready to defend our lands at Mortain?”

“Aye, Blair, I do.”

Blair pondered that for several moments. He was sorely tempted, but he was never a man given to precipitous action. “‘Tis still early in the year and the route will be arduous. Also, I am loath to leave Roselyn at this time.”

His comrade nodded. “You should remain here, Laird. I can lead the force sent to defend the garrison. A couple of dozen well-trained men should be ample, but we would need to maintain a presence there I fear, at least until we can be certain that the English cur presents no further threat to us.”

Blair nodded. Aiden was only stating what he, too, had concluded after the reports from Etal. The bairn soon to make an appearance would be his heir and if a wee laddie the boy would eventually be The McGregor and would lead Duncleit, but Mortain was Blair’s domain too and he owed those people his protection. More, he was planning ahead and hoped for many more bairns after this one. He wanted to ensure the lands in the borders remained intact for his next lad to inherit. There would be enough to go around, but he had to act now to safeguard their interests and those of his dependent clansfolk.