“Aye, as far as I know. Aiden is a fine steward, and Betsy manages our household there well enough, though I daresay that wee devil of theirs is a handful, more demanding than even the most barren acres.”

Roselyn laughed. “Yes, little Archie is a boisterous lad. I would have never imagined they might have a baby, not at their time of life.”

“I happen to know it was not on Aiden’s mind either, but they all seem content enough. I gather young Archie will be the first and the last though.” Betsy had barely survived childbed, and the physician sent by Blair to attend the birth had announced that there would be no more children of their union. Neither of the new parents had any quarrel with that.

“So, if not Mortain, what news did the messenger bring?”

“Harry of England has agreed to my petition that our little Jamie be pronounced your brother’s heir.”

“What?” Now this she had never expected. “I did not even know you had made such a proposal. Are you saying my son is to inherit Etal? After you… after you…”

“Ourson. And aye, after I killed the previous earl. It seems Harry Tudor is not squeamish about such matters and in any case the new English king cares little for northern squabbles. He just wants to secure peace in his kingdom after so many years of civil strife in England. The Tudor reign is far from secure and times are still turbulent. The last thing Harry needs is unrest in the borders. He wants an ally in these parts, and as I am laird of Mortain he sees the value in my son being the Earl of Ingram, since Etal lies just on the English side of the border. It is a pragmatic decision on his part, but one which will benefit us too.”

“But Jamie is so young, not yet three years old.”

Blair chuckled. “Aye, he has some work to do yet afore he can rule his own keep, but I am minded to ask Aiden to act as his steward at Etal also, until our boy is of an age when he might take control. What do you think, my love?”

“I consider that an excellent plan.” She hesitated. “But, there is more you have to say, I think…”

“Aye, there is. We now have a second boy, wee Robbie.”

“I had noticed that, my lord. Robert is now half a year old and still wailing fit to raise the dead most nights.”

“Aye, the same. A fine, lusty boy. Just like his brother, and his sister, come to think of it. He would make a fine laird also, in due course.”

“But Jamie is the elder…”

“Duncleit, Mortain, and now Etal? I fail to see how James would hold all three and do justice to them, especially given that it is the better part of a week’s ride between Skye and our other holdings in the borders. That is in part the reason I petitioned Harry Tudor. Now, James shall have his uncle’s title and the lands in Northumberland. It is a fine future for him, and at least as grand as leading Clan McGregor here on Skye.”

She paused for a moment as the implications of her husband’s words sank in. “You intend for Robbie to be the next McGregor, and not Jamie?”

“Aye, I think that would be best. But I need you to be in agreement for it affects you too.”

“It is your decision, my lord.”

“They areoursons and I would have your blessing on this afore I ask the scribes to record any of it. I will also need to consult with my clansmen for it will only come to pass if they see the sense in what I am putting forward. I will need them to support Robbie and agree to let Jamie go to England when the time comes. I may be The McGregor, but ours is a clan ruled on consensus.”

“You will convince them, for it is a fine notion. It is fair.”

“Aye, and it is practical. Mortain would never have been laid waste as it was had help been closer at hand. Etal and Mortain are neighbours and by allying them I am hoping to strengthen both. As you know, I have never sought to extend my lands and influence, I would have been content to remain laird here on Skye and not to expand my borders further. But events have a habit of overtaking us and I came by Mortain, and now Etal, as a result of matters outside of my control. Well, more or less. I want to do what is best for all, and this seems to be the right solution. We have enough sons already to go around, and who knows, we may have more yet…”

“My lord, it has not yet been a year—”

“…or daughters. I believe Joanie would love a baby sister.”

“Babies are not dolls.”

“Indeed they are not. Dolls are quieter and make less mess. Are you quarrelling with me on this, my sweet?”

“Not quarrelling exactly, I just—”

“I have warned you, have I not, about gainsaying me in matters pertaining to the bedroom?”

“My lord…?”

“You will bid that lumbering hound of yours to remain here whilst you accompany me into our chamber. There, you will oblige me by laying yourself across the foot of our bed and raising your skirts. I daresay once your bottom is suitably punished and glowing a delightful shade of crimson that you will soon enough reconsider your objections to providing me with another daughter. Or a wee boy, for I am not particular, though a girl would be favourite.”

“You intend to spank me? Now?”