“Do they not?” He made a mental note to ask what Roselyn knew of such friction around his hearth, though he supposed it made sense. From what he had seen of the woman he knew Betsy to be no retiring English flower and Elspeth had been accustomed to running Duncleit for more years than he could recall. Perhaps the place was not quite big enough for them both, especially now that the castle had a lady also. “Never mind, I shall take your word for it. So, we will be needin’ a priest then, and quickly. I would not wish to delay your departure, but neither will I forego the chance to dance at your wedding.” He clapped the other man on the back. “I shall summon Father Edmund. He should be here the day after tomorrow, especially if my missive makes it clear there’s a flagon or two of fine ale in it for him.”

“We should be most obliged, Laird.”

“Aye, well, off you go to tell your bride the good tidings. I suppose I had better mention it to Roselyn.”

“I believe she has an inkling already.”

Blair shook his head. For a woman with no sight his wife saw a great deal more than he, it would seem.

* * *

Later that same day he sought out Roselyn and found her resting on their bed. He settled beside her.

“Are you well, my lady?”

“I am, but I find I soon tire these days. And my feet always seem to ache dreadfully.”

He shifted to sit at her side and pulled her feet into his lap. Her shoes had been discarded beside the bed but he now peeled her thick woollen stockings off as well. In recent weeks he had developed some considerable skill in the art of massaging his wife’s feet, and the intimacy also afforded him an opportunity to speak with his wife alone.

“I spoke to Aiden today. He is to leave soon, within the week. Your brother is on the prowl in the lowlands and we fear for the safety of Mortain. Aiden will take men to garrison the fortress and hold it safe.”

“That is a sound plan. I wonder, my lord, if you might move your fingers just a little to the left. Ah, yes, just there.” She sighed and settled back against the pillows.

Blair lifted the bare foot he held cradled in his lap and shifted further onto the bed. He applied pressure to the sole of his wife’s foot, just behind her toes and she whimpered in ecstasy. It was a sound he was accustomed to hearing and swore he would never tire of, though of late she had been more appreciative of his efforts when applied to her feet than her dainty little clitty. Well, perhaps notmoreappreciative, but certainly she welcomed such attentions at the end of the day. Such were the vagaries of women, he supposed, especially in the final stages of pregnancy though it was not a state of which he had much experience. He flexed the delicate toes between his hands and pressed on her instep. Roselyn groaned.

“Aiden tells me he wishes to wed your maid, Betsy and have her accompany him to Mortain. I trust this will not inconvenience you, Roselyn?”

“I shall miss her.” Roselyn stretched and lay back, her eyes closed. A beatific smile settled upon her calm features.

“You do not appear unduly distressed at the news.”

“I am sure we will manage. She loves Aiden.”

“Does she?”

“Of course. Is he not quite the most lovable man?”

“Eh?” Blair quite lost his grip on her foot.

“Please do concentrate, my lord. Now you shall have to start over.”

He grasped her heel and started to flex and rub all over again. “Aiden has many fine qualities to be sure, but I would not have described him as lovable.”

“Then it is good that you are not to marry him. Betsy is quite besotted.”

“You knew of this, this… association between the pair of them, I assume?”

“Of course. Everyone knows.”

Not quite everyone.Blair cleared his throat. “I have sent for Father Edmund. The wedding will take place as soon as he arrives.”

“Excellent. I shall talk to Elspeth in the morning. We must provide a decent feast for them.”

“I gather Betsy and Elspeth are not friends.”

Roselyn chuckled. “It will be more peaceful here, once they no longer share a kitchen. Elspeth is your loyal servant, I know this, but you must agree she can be quite fierce. I daresay though that she will find cause for rejoicing in this news and will be more than happy to prepare a table laden with the best she can offer. It will be a splendid feast.”

Fierce?He supposed that was a fair enough description of his faithful cook. Blair decided to let the matter drop.