Page 37 of Vodka And Virtue

“At thirteen? Oh yeah, like racing bikes through the neighborhood and beating my brother in video games.”

Reluctantly, I let him go and returned to the kitchen. I was bent over the fridge retrieving a pitcher of sweet tea when I heard his footsteps behind me.

When I straightened and turned around, his cheeks were bright red. I’d caught him checking me out, and he was actually blushing! God, he was such a sweet temptation.

I carried our plates and glasses over to the island and took a seat next to him, scooting my stool closer to his. Carlisle grew more flustered as I took a sip from my drink and licked the sweetness from my lips.

“I would give almost anything to know what you’re thinking right now.”

“Oh my God,” he groaned, burying his face in his hands.

“It must be really good,” I teased.

“I actually fantasized about this.”

“About me?”

“Yeah. The other night, when I was lying in bed.”

I set my glass down, focusing all of my attention on him. “You think about me when you’re lying in bed at night?” My voice sounded husky, even to my own ears.

“I mean…not like that, I was—” He abruptly stopped talking, swallowing the rest of his words.

“Tell me what you fantasized about, Carly.”

“It’s Carlisle,” he whispered, staring at my lips.

“My bad,” I murmured, leaning in closer. I had no intention of correcting myself. “What was I doing in your fantasy?”

He raised his eyes to mine. “You were cooking for me in your kitchen. There was music playing.” His eyes lowered again, past my lips, down to my chest. “You were shirtless.”

“Is that what you imagined? Watching my body move as I cooked?”

He only nodded, no words.

“I can make that happen for you.”

“And you fed me, from your fork.”

Fuck me. I’d done a lot of things with a lot of men, but somehow, this conversation was even hotter than all of those encounters combined.

“I would love to feed you. Would you even let me?”

“Yes,” he whispered. Then in a louder voice, he said, “You already have, at the beach.”

“You’re right, I did. While you laid your head in my lap. Trust me, I haven’t forgotten.”

I took a bite of my sandwich and licked the mayonnaise from my finger. Carlisle watched, eyes wide. He parted his lips, his breath coming faster, louder.

I picked a cranberry from my sandwich and fed it to him, sliding it between his lips. His tongue snaked out to lick my finger clean, and I felt it throughout my entire body. A jolt to my senses.

He swallowed, sitting up straighter, and breathed a deep sigh. “I feel so—I’ve never—This is all—”

“I know. I know it’s all new for you and you’ve never done this before. Not with a man. It’s very different, isn’t it?”

“Completelydifferent. It’s like I don’t know how to act or something.”

“I think you’re doing just fine. I would never push you too far, not before I think you’re ready. Do you want to be here, Carlisle? It’s okay if you feel like you need to leave.”