Page 46 of Vodka And Virtue

Carson finished chewing before he answered. “Not much. The bar is good. The Sugar Rush is doing great. I’m so proud of Ryan. Everything’s going great, Ma.”

She turned her attention to me. “And you? Anything new?”

I hesitated before giving her the easy answer. “I organized a shot tasting event at the bar, and it turned out way better than I planned. I think I’m going to add the shot sampler to the menu,” I said to my brother. “What do you think?”

“Everybody loved it. I think it’s a good idea.” He shoved a forkful of shepherd's pie into his mouth.

“What else, baby? Tell me what’s new?”

“Nothing. Gordy and Shannon are doing well. I got my oil changed in the car last week. I can’t think of anything—”

“He’s seeing someone," my brother blurted.

“You’re seeing someone? I certainly hope it’s not that Susan girl. I didn’t care for her.”

“It’s Susannah, Ma.”

Her face wrinkled with distaste. “Does she really make you happy, Carly?”

“I’m not seeing Susannah, Ma,” I assured her.

“Then tell me about her. Who are you—”

“He has a boyfriend," my traitorous brother blurted again.

Was there anyone alive with a bigger mouth?

“I wasn’t talking to you, Carson. Swallow your food,” my mother admonished. “Carly, is that true? You have a boyfriend?”

I nodded, not sure how much I should reveal.

“Is he a nice man? Does he make you happy? Is he handsome?” My mother smiled playfully, getting into the spirit of the questions.

“He’s all of those things and more.”

“And what’s his name?”

“Gregory,” I answered honestly, but evasively.

“That’s a beautiful name.”

“It’s Rory,” my brother's big mouth blurted again.

“Carson, I warned you. Wait, Rory?”

“Uncle G‘s friend,” my brother, who was going to hell, supplied helpfully.

“MacGregor?” my mother asked.

“Yeah, Ma. Rory MacGregor.”

“I see.” She swiped a curl behind her ear. “Isn’t he a bit older than you?”

“Seventeen years.”

“Well, I know he’s a good man, but he’s your opposite in every way. Do you have much in common with him?”

“They have plenty in common,” my brother joked, rocking his hips obscenely.