Page 47 of Rum and Rendezvous

I gave him what he asked for, pushing into him so hard, he lost his balance and toppled forward. Taking advantage of his position, I pushed against his shoulders, urging him to keep his face and chest down to the ground, ass up in the air. I gripped his hips, digging my fingers into his soft skin, and pounded his hole until I felt my orgasm threaten to explode.

His staccato cries melted into one long continuous moan that lasted until he screamed my name as he came into his fist. I followed him over the edge, coming so hard I felt lightheaded, sweating from a rush of warmth that rolled through my body like a heat wave. Collapsing over his back in a panting mess, we dropped to the carpet beneath us, laughing. I kissed the dip in the small of his back, just above the swell of his ass.

“Crazy about you, Boytoy.”

“Me too, Cary.”



As it turned out,filing paperwork and obtaining permits to start a new business, even a small bakery cart, was quite a production. Luckily, I had access to all the information I needed to simplify the process as much as I possibly could, but it still took days out of my week and hours spent on the phone and researching online. By Friday afternoon, I was more than grateful to clock out early and head home to do a whole lot of nothing.

But of course, life had other plans for me.

Reid: You busy?

Ryan: Yes. No. I don’t want to be.

Reid: Well, it sounds like you’re not busy, despite what you want. Come join me and Griffin at Fairytales for coffee and gossip.

I groaned,thinking of having to drive back across town in the afternoon traffic, but the idea of coffee and gossip with my friends was too appealing not to get up and put my shoes back on. I grabbed the white cardboard pastry box of cranberry scones iced with a cream cheese drizzle that I'd made yesterday and headed out.

When I arrived atFairytales, the bookstore downtown my friend Griffin owned, he waved me over. He was seated at the coffee bar with Reid, plating up some delicious-looking brownies. Griffin sucked his sticky finger into his mouth with a pop.

“Hey, Ryan. I haven’t seen you in ages. Where have you been hiding?”

I greeted him with a hug and a kiss on his smooth cheek. “Busy with work and school.”

Reid interrupted with a chuckle as he got up to hug me. “He’s a lying liar. He’s been busy with Carson.”

Griffin turned from the espresso machine to look at me curiously. “Spill all the details. Do you want caramel in your coffee?”

“Is the sun shining? Here, I brought scones.”

I handed him the bakery box and laughed as his eyes rounded with delight. Reid grabbed one and placed it on his napkin next to his brownie.

“Quit stalling and tell him about your new man. I’m assuming things have progressed past the friendship stage?”

For the next thirty minutes, I spilled all the juicy details, among them Carson’s waist size and measurements. They wanted to knoweverything, including how many inches he was packing. They were worse than a couple of teenage girls at a sleepover. By the time we finished our coffee and dessert, I knew more about Riley and Cyan than I ever wanted to.

My friends were excited to hear about my plans for starting up a new business, which I still had no idea how I was going to fit into my busy schedule. But I wanted this more than anything. I wanted to give it a shot and see if I could make it work. The worst that could happen was that I crashed and burned, but at least I would know if I had what it took to be successful doing the thing I loved most.

And I couldn’t lie. It was my newfound confidence that Carson inspired in me that pushed me to want to succeed. Before him, I was happy enough just selling insurance and finishing my degree that I would never use in a practical sense. But now, his affection and encouragement gave me the boost I needed to step out of my comfort zone and try.

And truth be told, I was more afraid of succeeding than failing. Failing was easy. You just go back to what you know, what you’re familiar with. For me, that was working at a desk, selling insurance, which I could do with my eyes closed. The fear of the unknown, wondering what the sacrifice was for success, the price to be paid for putting everything in your life on hold to reach for the stars, was absolutely terrifying. There was always a price to be paid. I just hoped that it wouldn’t be Carson.

He was the one thing—the only thing—I couldn’t stand to lose.

“Hey, Griffin, can you point me toward the gay romance section?”

His elfin face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Sure! Are you looking for something in particular?”

“Yeah. Carson bought a book, a sports romance, and I noticed he’d dog-eared the last chapter, so he’s almost finished. I’d like to see if there are more books in the series.”

His bright smile morphed into horror. “He dog-eared the pages? What kind of animal are you dating!” He shook his head, cringing dramatically. “Follow me, not that he deserves one of my precious books.”

Laughing, I trailed after him as he led me to a sunny alcove lined with shelves of books with colorful spines. I located the author’s name, Finn Dixon, and grabbed the second and third books in the series, Floored By Love and The Forever Vault.