Page 66 of One Unexpected Kiss

“I’ll be done here in a minute,” I said to Claire.

“Take your time. There’s no rush.”

I finished the tally and stowed the bag in the safe in the office. There wasn’t enough to bother with a trip to the bank. I was about to proposition Claire when my phone rang. It was Lyra.

Shit.Her calling this late couldn’t mean anything good. “What’s wrong?”

Claire looked at me and furrowed her brow.

On the other end of the line, Lyra sighed. “Nothing major. Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“What’s wrong?” I repeated.

“Sophia has a fever, and we’re out of children’s Tylenol. Are you done at work? I hate to ask, but—”

“It’s fine,” I assured her. “What kind do you need? Anything specific?”

“Whatever you can find. I think they’ll have some at the Kwik Mart. Not many places are open at this hour.”

“I’ll be there soon.”

“Thanks, Bennett. You’re a lifesaver.”

I hung up the phone.

“Is everything okay?” Claire asked.

I rubbed my forehead. “Lyra needs some medicine for Sophia. You don’t happen to have children’s Tylenol in your bag, do you?”

She shook her head. “Can’t say that I do.”

“Then I guess I’ll be stopping at the Kwik Mart. I’m sorry. She doesn’t have anyone else, and—”

“Bennett.” Claire put her hand on my chest to stop my apology. “It’s fine. I’d be upset if you ignored her plea for help.”

The heat from her hand spread through my shirt and warmed the skin above my heart. I seized her wrist and held it, noticing the increase in her pulse. Dipping my head, I took her mouth, savoring the lingering taste of my brew on her lips. I could lose myself in this kiss.

Groaning, I pulled away before I gave in to the temptation to lift her onto the bar and spread her legs.Fuck.My sister had terrible timing.

With a sigh, I handed Claire her coat. “Duty calls.”

She pressed her lips to mine one final time. “And I love that you answer.”



WE HAD TOgo to two twenty-four-hour convenience stores to find the medicine Sophia needed. If he’d had to, Bennett would have driven to the mainland to find it. I didn’t know who Bennett thought he was fooling. After five minutes in his presence, anyone would know that his gruff exterior did little to hide the teddy bear underneath. I’d never valued sensitivity in a man. Previously, I’d looked for command in a boardroom and suaveness while sharing martinis at a business dinner. In other words, things that didn’t indicate someone’s true character.

But the love that Bennett felt for his family was so strong it was almost palpable. I couldn’t fathom what it would feel like to have that power aimed at me.Probably a good thing.There was no point getting my hopes up. I’d read Bennett’s cues—whatever this was between us was only a temporary diversion. Soon, I’d go back to my real life… whatever the hell that was. I was supposed to be using this time away to figure out my next steps, and so far, I’d come up with nothing. Not that I’d even spent much time thinking about it. How could I when the man next to me occupied all of the real estate in my brain?

I exhaled. I’d look at some job listings the next day. There was no sense even thinking about it at the moment. At Lyra’s house, I waited in the truck while Bennett took the medicine inside.

“How is she?” I asked when he returned.

“She was sleeping. Lyra doesn’t seem overly concerned, so I suppose there’s nothing to worry about.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“She’s lucky to have such a devoted uncle.”