Page 48 of One Unexpected Kiss

I wanted to reassure him that I would live my life without regrets, but that was a lie.Hell, how many regrets have I had in just the past few days alone?I didn’t know what to say, but luckily, the older man didn’t seem to expect a response. I also didn’t know the exact point he was trying to drive home, which was fine. After my talk with my mother in the hospital waiting room, I wasn’t in the mood for more life advice.

“How is Declan doing?” I asked roughly. “Be honest.”

Grandpa Charlie shrugged. “Not bad. It helps that he’s well versed in all things alcoholic.”

I burst out laughing. I’d never considered that a positive trait when it came to my slacker brother, but it definitely had its place in my line of work. “He definitely has that going for him.”

“Why are you here, anyway? Are you checking up on me?”

I considered lying, but I’d never done that to Grandpa Charlie. “It seems I had good reason to since you’re training employees behind my back.”

He crooked his finger for me to lean closer. When I did, he whispered, “He’s not getting paid for tonight.”

I laughed. “I guess that changes things.”

Grandpa Charlie shrugged. “Consider it an audition. He’s doing okay, and it will be nice to have the extra help come May.”

I considered. The old man was making all kinds of sense. Good seasonal bartenders were hard to find. It was not clear if Declan would be any good, but I had months to whip him into shape. Also, months for him to decide that putting up with my demands wasn’t worth the hassle.

“I’m not cutting him any slack because he’s my brother.”

My grandfather arched a brow. “When have you ever?”

Declan was six years younger than me, so he and I had never been close. Still, he was family, and that meant I held him to higher standards than I did other people. I expected more from him, and maybe that wasn’t fair. I wouldn’t apologize for wanting him to make something of himself, but I should probably apologize for calling him out in the middle of the Banks Brew Co.Damn it.

“I guess I should go talk to him.”

“You might want to.”

I sighed. “Yeah.” Then I went in search of my brother. At least I’d be well practiced in eating crow before I spoke to Lyra.


THE NEXT MORNING,I headed to my parents’ house to make sure all was going well. I’d already spoken to my mom on the phone, but I didn’t trust her not to sugarcoat things. I met Alec as he was leaving, and Maddie’s car was already in the driveway. I gave a satisfied nod.I love it when a plan comes together.

Inside, my mother was scrambling eggs at the stove, and on the kitchen counter was a massive assortment of pastries.Damn it.Carmen might have usurped my favorite-child status with that move.Oh well. Might as well take advantage.I snagged a Danish and went to the living room to see my stepfather, who was positioned in his recliner.

Without raising his gaze from the television screen, he grunted a greeting.

“It’s going that well, huh?” I’d expected as much. Paul never did sit still well, and he also didn’t like anyone telling him what to do. His current predicament checked all those boxes.

“Getting old is bullshit,” he grumbled.

“It happens to the best of us.”

He clicked off the TV. “I thought the good died young.”

I snorted. “In that case, we’re going to live forever.”

“I’d settle for long enough to meet all my grandchildren.” His eyes narrowed as his gaze locked onto mine.

Breaking eye contact, I rolled my neck to ease my suddenly tense shoulders. “Jesus, not you too.” It was laughable that my parents were pushing me to have kids.Yeah, right.I couldn’t even control my dog.

He shrugged unapologetically. “A man who already has four children doesn’t marry a woman with four of her own if he doesn’t like kids.”

“That’s fair.”

Paul was the father to me that my biological father hadn’t bothered to be, and I would forever be grateful for that. What wasn’t fair was this ambush. I felt like he was breaking man code. Or maybe that didn’t exist between fathers and sons. Either way, this was bullshit.