Page 20 of One Unexpected Kiss

I paused. “Really?”

That was new information—I’d thought they’d already acquired all the property they needed. Maybe the resort would be a nonstarter if the Zooks wouldn’t sell. But Markham wouldn’t have sent Claire down here if they anticipated that being a problem.Well, shit.I didn’t quite know what to do with this new information. I’d think about it later.

“Did you actually look at the plans, son?”

His calling me son grated, but I didn’t let on. “I don’t need to look at it to know it’s a bad idea.”

“Yes, but you should still get all the facts.” Bob pursed his lips, and I ducked my head at his obvious disapproval.

The old guard on the commission had shaken their heads when Grandpa Charlie passed his seat down to me while he was still upright and lucid. My not bothering to look at the fine print on the Markham proposal would only add fuel to that fire. Their intolerance for change would work in my favor, though.

“The fact is that Markham sent down a representative. They haven’t given up on the proposal,” I said, not adding that in sending Claire, they’d doubled down on their efforts. She had a law degree from Harvard, so her services couldn’t be cheap. Not only that, but she was related to the CEO.

Doesn’t matter.Money wouldn’t sway the members of the business commission to sell out on our way of life. And one by one, I would remind them of our values to make sure they didn’t give in to temptation. Who knew what Markham would promise them.

The thought of Claire issuing false promises for the sake of pushing the proposal through didn’t sit well with me. The person I’d known had been ambitious, not shady.Damn it.I really wished I’d been able to play nice like Wes had suggested so I’d know what she had up her sleeve.

Bob’s eyebrows rose. “A representative? You don’t say.”

“The CEO’s sister-in-law, in fact. She won’t give up easily. If there’s a way, she’ll make this resort happen.”

“Hrmph.” There was the response I was looking for.Finally.Bob was on my side.

I nodded. “Regardless of whatever the deal is with the Zooks’ property, if we don’t approve the rezoning, it shuts down the project.”

I wondered what Markham would do with all the land when that happened. Not my problem. Except… shit. What if they change course and decide to build high-occupancy housing or something like that? Shhhiiiit.

I needed to do some research beyond the basics of the zoning laws.Yeah, I’ll get to that in my free time.I had too much on my fucking plate.

“What way will you be voting?” Bob asked.

I did a double take. “No, of course. You shouldn’t have to ask.”

He shrugged. “I don’t understand you young people, always wanting change when everything is perfect as it is.”

Although he directed the comment at me, I wasn’t the one who’d gotten his knickers in a twist. His three children were several years older than me, and each one of them had left the Carolina Banks, to return only for the occasional holiday and summer-vacation visit with the Winters’ grandchildren.

I crossed my arms. “I’m with you. The Carolina Banks is perfect just the way it is. I wanted to make sure we’re on the same page.”

“And if we weren’t, you thought you could bribe me with a six-pack of your brew?”

I grinned. “Would it have worked?”

He scratched his chin. “Is it lager or ale?”

“Some of both.”

“Good man. Now, get out of here so I can get back to work. Mary will have my ass if I don’t finish this batch today.”

“Yes, sir.”


THERE WAS Abounce in my step as I walked into Carmen’s side of the Brew Co. What had I been worried about? Bob was the rule for the local business commission, not the exception. I could think of a handful of people who might want the resort, but Claire was going to need more than that to win. That didn’t mean I was going to back down, though. The issue was too important to let myself get complacent.

Not to mention that I needed to figure out what Markham’s contingency plan was. But I’d worry about that later. For the moment, I was going to enjoy my small victory.

Carmen was leaning on the counter, and Wes sat across from her. He was grinning at her, and she was laughing at something he must have said.Is her hand on his arm? And why the hell is he looking at her like that?What the hell?