“Did what?”

“Did with your…” She nodded at his lower scale section.

He raised his eyebrows at her. “What?”

Oh, of course he was going to make her say it. Well, fine, she would. “What if I sucked your cocks?”

“Stop it,” he said, chuckling. “It’s too late now. But next time, you should think about maybe standing up for yourself, because—”

“Or,” she said, shifting on her feet, “you could just fuck me.”

“Yeah, okay.” He dunked a dish into the rinse water sink and then set it on the rack.

“Was that an agreement?” she said, and that was when her voice went breathy.

He looked up at her, startled by the change in her voice.

“You want to just bend me over the counter there, fuck me in both my holes? Let me have the rest of the night off?” Her voice went throaty, teasing. She didn’t even know she couldbeteasing like that. This wasn’t evenlikeher. She was sure she’d started all of this just to get him to shut his mouth about her lack of backbone, but now… now… she didn’t know what it was about now.

His lips parted. “Stop it,” he said again, but there was no bottom in his voice.

“I mean, you do, right? You do want to? But if I let you do that, I want tomorrow off too.Youwork that shift. Do we have a deal?”

He just stared at her.

That was when she noticed that there was, um, a bulge in his scales. Her gaze narrowed in on it, and she suddenly felt the first twinge within her of actual arousal. Yeah, this was different now. She wasinthis now. She gazed at his bulge, and she started walking over to him.

“Dahlia.” He lifted a hand, pointing at the ceiling, like he was going to lecture her with the pointed finger emphasizing every point. But he didn’t say anything else.

She got over there, and she touched his scales. Above the bulge.

Then she pulled back, because wow, she wastouchinghim. What was she doing?

And the bulge sort of opened. Not all the way, but a little, a slit between his scales, and inside the slit, it was pinkish and wet and straining. And it kind of turned her on more.

She met his gaze, biting down on her bottom lip.

“Go back to the counter.” His voice was like gravel.

“No,” she said softly.

“I don’t even have a condom,” he said.

“Yeah, doesn’t it require medical intervention for our species to reproduce?” she said. “Aren’t there essentially no sexually transmitted diseases that we can give to each other?”

“You were looking this up?” He eyed her.

She shrugged. “I mean…”

It was quiet.

“What are you even wearing?” His gaze went to her thighs. “Like, where is the rest of this skirt?”

She looked down at the Hot Topic skirt. “Don’t you like it?”

“You wearing this skirt forhim?” said Niles.

“No.” She shook my head.