“Yeah,” she said nodding.

He snatched the wine. “So, you’re upset because…?”

“Because it’s not enough,” she said. “Because even though the day-to-day is better, there’s this hollow emptiness inside me. There’s this feeling like something’s missing, like this whole other half of me is missing. And I know what’s missing, it’s mymate. It’s him. And he’s marrying a fucking nymph.”

Niles winced. “But… but he doesn’t make you happy. You don’t make him happy.”

“He’s not supposed toleave me. That’s the whole promise of fated mates. That you find a person and you’re done. You have someone forever.”

“Look, fated mate or no, Hiljd, we’re all born alone and we die alone.”

“When did you become a philosopher?” she said. “Anyway, whatever. I don’t care about him.”

He handed her back the wine. “That’s clear. I mean, I feel your not-caring coming off of you in waves.”

She scoffed. “Shut up.”

“Yeah, okay, you came here to me because you don’t want me to talk, so that also makestonsof sense.”

“Stop being sarcastic and horrible.” She groaned.

“Seriously, Hiljd, do wehavethis kind of relationship? Do wedothis with each other?”

“Well… we did have sex that one time.”

“But that… that doesn’t mean anything.”

“No, I know that.” She rubbed her forehead. “Okay, look, I’m actually here for a favor.”

“A favor?” he said.

“It’s sort of to do with that. With sex.”

He took the wine bottle and took a long, long drink. “Look, I’m in a thing with Dahlia, which you know about, so—”

“I’m fertile,” she said. “Right now. Like, super fertile. I got this injection, and, um, they also, like, put sperm in me. At the doctor’s office. But, this injection, it makes me… receptive to other species, like—”

“No.” He got up, holding the wine bottle against his chest.

“Niles, you have two cocks and you can give me two loads of come.”


“I just want a baby. I can’t afford another injection like this. I can’t afford in vitro again. I mean, I probably can, but I’m not going to keep throwing money into a trash can and lighting in on fire. So, this is it. This is my last shot. After this, I’m going to just give up.”

He went over to the railing of the deck and gazed out, drinking wine, unable to speak.

“I know,” she said. “It would be weird. But the other sperm was orc sperm, so we’d know pretty early on if it was yours.”

He made a huffing noise.

“And if it was, it could be however you wanted it. You could just not be involved at all, or you could be as involved as you want. I’d work it out with you, Niles.”

“What would Valdi say?” He turned on her. “You can’t think he’d be okay with… with…”

“He’s got his nymph. He does not care.”

“Oh, trust me. He would care,” said Niles.