She feltverygood.

He was going to get spoiled with all the times she let him double-penetrate her. He was really fine with getting one cock off. When he jerked off, he mostly only concentrated on one. When they fucked, though, she always seemed concerned about both of his cocks, and he couldn’t say he minded at all.

She sighed, murmuring his name over and over.

He kissed her breasts, which made her make garbled little cries, kissed her neck, which made her gasp, and then kissed her lips, and they were connected—soconnected—and that was another kind of goodness.

He fucked her through two more orgasms, so that she was half-sobbing, begging him to come, saying she couldn’ttakeit anymore, and then he erupted inside her, coming to an apex that felt like a runaway train inside him, bursting off through a boarded-up tunnel, sending shrapnel flying.

When it was done, they were sweaty and entangled and gasping into each other, kissing desperately, and he had the sensation that they had somehow merged, that he’d just gotten lost in her and his body had become part of hers.

Her hands raked through his hair. “Niles, Niles,” she murmured.

“Dahlia,” he said, hovering over her. “I love you.”

“I love you,” she said.

This was it, then, he thought. Whatever it was between them, it was fixed. It was done. They’d make this work now, after all. The break was over.

But when he woke up the next morning, he was alone in the loft, and she was nowhere to be found.

He sent her a text.

It said,Delivered.

Then it said,Read.

She didn’t respond.



At the beginning of her relationship with Niles, she’d been working her part-time job a gazillion hours, also going to school and taking classes, and then also starting her field practicum, and staying up until all hours having massive amounts of sex.

Somehow, during this time period, she was full of boundless energy for everything.

And then, well, it had started to fade.

She knew about this, actually. She had studied these kinds of things and relationships tended to have an ebb and flow. It had to do with the release of chemicals early in the falling-in-love process. It gave a person actual energy.

Of course, a body couldn’t burn at that strength forever, and eventually, it had to turn off. So, she understood the mechanism, but it was funny how it just didn’t make any difference to how she felt.

She was tired.

She was depressed.

She missed Niles.

But she also felt as if she missed a Niles that had never really existed. She’d created a Niles in her head, a Niles that was devoted to her and monogamous and in love with her. And a Niles who also accepted her flaws.

That Niles wasn’t real.

So, as much as she missed him, she didn’t think going back to him would help because she’d never get that made-up Niles back. He only existed in her imagination.

On the other hand, she couldn’t really blame him.

She hadhurthim.