“Stop.” She was pushing at him.

“You coming?” he panted.

“Yes,” she ground out.

He went still, cupping her through it.

She cried out, rolling her head on her shoulders, her wing nubs going stiff and sticking straight out.

He looked at her straddling him and she was a goddess.

I could fall in love with her,he thought.

Fuck, maybe he already had.

She collapsed onto his chest, sighing.

He ran his hand over her back, her wings. He stilled, but she just moaned appreciatively, so he did it again.

She sighed into him.

“This okay?” he whispered as he stroked the scarred, burnt tips of them.

“Mmm,” she said. “Feels nice.”

He was sticky. His cocks had come all over everything. Her hands were sticky with his release as she touched him, and their bellies were smeared, and he thought that they needed to go and get cleaned up.


But then he blinked and it was morning, and she was tucked sleepily into his arms in his bed, and he’d held her like this all night long.


WILL’S VOICE BARKEDinto Niles’s ear on the phone.

They’d drunk too much, and Niles was hungover, and it was too bright in the sandwich shop.

“What’s this I hear about you and Dolly?”

“Dahlia,” Niles muttered in correction.

“That’s what I said,” said Will. “Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do with your personal life, but if you fuck things up in my shop, I’m not going to stand for it, you got that?”

“I do, absolutely, and I want to assure you that there’s no inappropriate behavior happening between us on the premises.”Except the time that I bent her over the counter in the kitchen and fucked both her holes, of course.“And that I have the utmost—”

“If there ends up being bad blood between you, I’m not picking sides,” said Will on the other end of the phone. “I’ll tell you the way you do this, and it’s to be completely respectful and not to get angry with her. No matter what happens. You be angry with her after work hours, but while you’re in my sandwich shop, you just turn that off. Can you do that, because some people can’t do that, and if you can’t, you better figure out how.”

“I’m not angry with her, Will,” said Niles.

“You’re not now, but I see how this goes,” said Will. “I’ve seen what kind of relationships you kids have.”

“I’m thirty-one years old,” said Niles.

“You’re a kid, and we both know it. Doesn’t matter how old you are. You still act like a kid. So, of course, you’re getting all mixed up with some other kid in the shop. I wouldn’t expect anything different of you.”

“She’s a graduate student,” Niles muttered, unsure why this bothered him so much. Will was the kind of guy who told you what he thought of you, and it wasn’t as if Will was the only person who felt it was their business to weigh in on Niles’s life choices.

“I don’t see what that’s got to do with anything.”