“I guess that’s true,” he said, brushing his fingers over her body. His forefinger lingered around a nipple, gently circling it. “Is that what you want?”

“Do you, um, do you need to stretch me again first?”

“If, uh, if you want me in your ass, I do,” he said, telling her nipple this as he played with it. “I don’t have to do that.”

“You could just use your cocks one after the other in succession in my pussy, you mean.”

“Yeah,” he said, looking up at her. “I mean, they don’t both have to come, you know?”

“Don’t they?”

“I can have nice, normal sex with you. I don’t have to be a monstrous freak if—”

“What if I want you to be a monstrous freak?” Then she winced, covering her face with both hands. “I mean, sorry, if you want—”

But he was kissing her, mouth moving desperately against hers, kissing her deep and hard and good.

She clutched him against her, sighing into his mouth.

He pulled away, looking into her eyes with that same intensity. “You’re… fuck, where have you been my whole life?”

“Being too young for you, I guess?”

He laughed, throwing back his head.

She winced again. “I don’t know why I… whatever you did to me with that venom, does it make me say stupid things, too?”

“Nothing about you is stupid.” He was kissing her again.

She sank her fingers into his dark hair again. She wished she could wrap her legs around him, but she couldn’t move.

He fumbled between their pelvises, and she felt him there, the pressure of him, and then the intrusion of him. He slid in easy again, because he had all that natural lube, and she was sad because,again, she hadn’t really gotten a good look at his cocks.

But he was inside her, pressing into her, and the venom woke her up all over and made her moan again. “Oh, briars andtangles, Niles.”

“Yeah,” he said. “The venom is just cheating.”

She cried out. “I love it.” Everything inside her tingled and soared. It was so good.

“Here, try this,” he murmured and reached between them. Now, something slippery and smooth and hard was rubbing against her clitoris.

Good. She groaned. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“You like that? That’s my other cock,” he said, grinning down at her, pleased with himself.

“Your other cock isgreat,” she said. “Both of your cocks aregreat. I like them alot. I likeeverythingabout you.”

“Yeah, ditto.” His voice was soft. “You feel amazing, Dahlia.”

“Oh, briars, I’m sorry I can’t move.”

“That’s my fault,” he said softly.

“Um, stuck here, stuck on your cocks, forced to get fucked, and it’s amazing.” She threw her arms out wide. Maybe she was a little drunk. How many beers had she had?

“You’reamazing.” He lowered his mouth to her breasts, nipping them.

She cried out.