“Whoa,” she whispered. “They’re not poisonous, right? You can kiss me?”

“Not poisonous,” he said. “But careful, there is a… venom.”

“Oh,” she said. “What’s it do?”

“It’s a paralytic,” he said. “It’s mild. I mean, as long as I don’t purposefully inject a lot into you, it’s not dangerous.”

“Like, for your prey,” she said, pulling him down against her, kissing him, running her tongue over the smooth, sleekness of them, but being very careful not to touch the sharp tips.

He groaned into her mouth. “Shit,” he gasped, pulling back. “Careful, Dahlia.” He ran gentle fingers over her chin and chest, trailing down to just above her breast. “There is, um, there’s another effect of the venom?”


“It’s, uh…” He eyed her. “It feels good.”


“Sexually, yeah, it might… I mean, you’d like it if I, um…” He caressed her pussy. “I could… here.” He was whispering. “But it might make you unable to move your legs for twenty to thirty minutes, so…”

“That can’t be for prey,” she said.

“I guess not,” he said.

“Do I get another naga biology lesson?”

“Well, it’s not great, I don’t think. I guess we male nagas get fangs when we’re turned on because, uh, we can then bite the lady nagas and paralyze them so they can’t, uh, run away.”

She let out a high, wild, delighted laugh. “Tangles and briars!”

“Yup, highly evolved date-rape drug,” he said.

“But it also feels good?” she said.

He shrugged. “I mean, yeah. And we have two cocks so that we can fuck the lady nagas twice.”


“I guess those of us who were better at getting our genetic material into the lady nagas were better at, um, passing along these genetic traits.” He shrugged again.

“You can put your fangs into my clit, then?”

He let out a mangled noise. “Oh, shit, did you justsaythat?”

“Do you want to?”

He squeezed his hand around her breast, tight, and then he let go. “Not… all the way in. I wouldn’t hurt you. Just a little scratch with the edge of a fang, maybe?”


“You’re sure?”

“You want me to beg?” she whispered. “Please, please, Niles, use your fangs on my pussy. Please, please—”

He did it.

She bowed up off the bed.

The sensation that sank into her was incredibly good. She screamed. At the same time, she was suddenly aware that she could not move her pelvis, that it was suddenly just stuck there, immobile.