Page 29 of Beast

“I can’t keep my eyes open. Shit, you wore me out... in a good way. In the best way.” She snuggled closer against me.

My grin split my face and I chuckled. “Don’t worry,” I murmured, kissing her hair. “I’m not going anywhere. Sleep.”

Her eyes drifted closed, and with her softly breathing in my arms, something tugged deep inside me. Something I couldn’t name. My head bellowed that I shouldn’t be doing this. That I should take my gun and shoot her now. But my heart and mywolf fought for dominance, telling myself a little bit more time with her wouldn’t hurt anything.

She was my forbidden pleasure, my ultimate indulgence, and I was going to take every last drop that I could, for as long as I could.



Our lips crashed like long-lost lovers reuniting as the ocean water licked our ankles. Our hands explored each other like they did a few nights ago. Urgency, lust, and passion overtook us and then he lifted me and I wrapped my legs around him.

Ever since our first time having sex together, we’d been acting as if we were on a honeymoon or something, locked in our private paradise. No more did I think of this as being in hell but more like heaven.

What would I be doing instead?


Trying to find out about serial killers, like I’d been doing when we first met. Maybe fate brought us together because I couldn’t imagine him hurting me.

Not anymore.

“You’re such a tease…” he purred as he yanked off my panties under my dress.

Instead of staying with him, I raced ahead, the idea of him catching up to me and holding me up like a caveman gave me such a thrill. It was a game that we’d both been playing since that first night. It was a mix of his uncontrollable urge to protect andtake me at the same time. The idea of having such a hold on him, made me feel like I was the most desired woman in the world. Or on this island. Even if I was the only woman on it, it made me feel special.

We raced in from our walk along the beach.

“We should have just done it on the beach,” I panted as I approached the door.

“It gets all messy, and besides it’s so much better indoors.”

I shook my head. “No. Remember the real reason we went out in the first place was to give my overworked pussy some rest.”

He chuckled as I flopped onto the deck.


“We’ve been doing it so much. Too much. And you had sex for the first time only a few days ago.”


I blushed at the idea of counting how many days ago I’d still been a virgin, but I’d lost track of how many days I’d been on the island. Before it was the most important thing in the world, and now it felt far from relevant.

He crawled on top of me like he were some sort of animal. He’d done it before, but I’d never taken notice of it. Sniffing me. Touching me and then pulling back as if I were a magnet.

“Why do you do that?”

He shook his head like I’d awoken him from a dream.


Then he bit on my nipple and I pushed him back.

“Hey, that hurt,” I complained as I stood up. He knew what I was talking about, but as we headed to his room, I could tell he had no intention of answering the question. But curiosity got the better of me, so I repeated myself again. “Why do you act like some kind of…?”

“Dog?” he asked defensively, and his eyes turned dark. I’d killed the mood. I hated myself for the curious side of me, but I wanted to know why he did it.