Page 19 of Beast

“Two people, like Jekyll and Hyde?” I teased. “Nah, I think you’ve been watching too many serial killer shows.”

She made a face and stuck her tongue out at me. “You know you liked our discussions, admit it. When you weren’t in person with me and were trying to be someone else, I think a little bit of the real you showed through.”

“Believe whatever you want.” I glanced out to sea where my yacht was floating a few miles offshore. Soon I would need to get my guys to bring more supplies, but I hoped I’d have my full payment and her gone in the next few weeks.

She cradled the shell in her hand. “You’re not the only one who has to hide who they are.” She let out a soft breath. “You think I’d have any friends in the states if they knew my dad was part of the Russian mafia?” She let out a dry chuckle. “Or they’d try to use me just like you’re doing to get to my father.”

“Not me, milashka. My employers.”

“Don’t call me that.” She straightened her spine, her fist curling around the shell. “I’m not your sweetie or anything else to you. I’m your captive.” Her eyes flashed in anger, which I could see clearly in the light of the moon and with my wolf eyes.

“Yet you’re free to move about this island as you please.” I held out my arms wide.

“And you’re a big, intimidating guy with a dark sense of humor and a shitty attitude.” When I didn’t react in rage, a smile flirted across her lips and she skirted past me to bend over and pick up another shell. “Don’t you have a flashlight? How can you see anything out here in the dark to find clams?”

Fuck! I’d forgotten her human sight out here in the dark would make it difficult to see anything once the sun dipped below the horizon.

“I forgot to grab one from the kitchen.” I held out my hand. “We’ll try again tomorrow night.”

“Are you sure?” She bit her lower lip. “I kinda want to see them now.”

“Alright.” I kept my hand out. “Use your toes and I’ll help lead you to a few, then we’ll head back.”

She nodded and clutched my hand. Her soft skin was the opposite of mine. I had calluses and crushed things with my hands.

“There.” I led her a few feet away. “Dig down. When they feel the vibration, they’ll bury themselves deeper and spit out sand as they go.”

She kept ahold of my hand, then dug into the sand with her toes. A laugh bubbled up from her. “Yes, wow. I can feel them. That’s so weird. How many do you think there are?”

“Tons.” I smiled. “There’s another one three steps from you.”

“How can you tell?”

I led her over to the area. “They make small holes or indents in the sand.”

“And you can see that?” She frowned up at me. “It’s nearly pitch dark.”

I let go of her hand and bent down, digging into the sand, and pulled out a clam twice the size of my palm. “Guess I’m used to spotting them.”

“Wow, that thing is huge.” Her eyes widened. “Okay, put him back.”

“I could make a meal out of this one.”

She shuddered. “No, thanks. You can get me to eat fish with your amazing cooking skills, but I draw the line at clams.”

“Oysters, then?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“You know the belief oysters are an aphrodisiac is a myth, right?”

I return the clam to the sand and brush off my hand on my pants. “Doesn’t matter if they are or not. If you believe they are, then they work.”

Her lips pursed. “Never thought you’d be a philosopher.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Though I was beginning to think there was more to Natalia than I knew as well. Like the fact I actually enjoyed her company. Or how her eyes lit up when she enjoyed what she was eating. How she didn’t cower and back down from a fight or me. Silly woman wouldn’t know danger if it bit her on the ass.

“Ready to head back?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Yeah. I can’t see a thing out here.”