Page 7 of Beast

My charm?

My smile?

That shouldn’t have been enough for her to put herself in danger like this. She should have run from the moment she realized who I was, but she didn’t. She really thought I gave a fuck about serial killers or her.

I used the one tool I had to lure her here: her curiosity and that damn serial killer discussion group I infiltrated.

I leaned in close to her and whispered, “There’s no escape. Once we’re alone, you’re mine.”

Her scream came out as a hiss of air, and I couldn’t resist adding to her suffering. To see the arrogance in her eyes, for all the times she laughed and put me down, to be outweighed by the power I now held over her. “Relax. This is your secret fantasy... a kidnapping Jeffery Dahmer style.”

The effect I had wanted showed in the widening of her eyes, but she slumped down in the seat, unable to get her arms and legs to work. Payback was bliss.

“That’s okay, Natalia. Let’s get you out of here.” I went over to her and grabbed her by her hips, hauling her forward.

“Yousonofabitch,” she slurred, but I could make out what she was saying.

I hauled her out of the booth and into my arms.

“Oh, my,” the waitress said, coming up to us with the check in her hand. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I gave her one of my famous panty-dropping grins. “She’s recovering from the flu and I’ve got to get her home to rest. Like most women, she pushes herself way too hard.”

With uncertainty in her eyes, the waitress looked from me to Natalia. “I don’t know if you leaving with her is a good idea.”

“No problem.” I set Natalia back down and handed the waitress a hundred-dollar bill. “Got any change for this?”

“Ah, sure.” She left but looked over her shoulder at me, and I gave her a salute.

When they looked back at the camera footage, they’d discover I had stopped the feed before I even walked in. As soon as the waitress went to the manager in the kitchen, I hiked Natalia up under my arm and used my werewolf power to blur out of there.

The only thing the patrons would’ve seen was something faster than their eyes could track. They said a magician’s hands were quicker than the eyes, but a werewolf in human form was twice as fast.

Outside, the sounds of the Manhattan streets assaulted my ears and I was glad for the darkness. It was easier to blur with her in my arms and avoid any traffic or other cameras. Still, I made it look like she was drunk and hanging onto me in case anyone saw us. I pulled her closer as she tried to struggle against my hold. Her fresh scent of espresso with too much sugar and her tantalizing floral perfume taunted me.

I grinned, enjoying how I felt this time and how it added to the thrill of making her freak out. Excitement pulsed in my veins as I carried her to my car.

She moaned, eyebrows furrowing as she tried to get me in focus. I couldn’t wait until after the drug wore off. Part of me wanted to take her and possess her in the way I’d imagined every day since ninth grade.

I got her to my car in the parking space I’d paid for ahead of time for three-times the amount. After I tossed her into the backseat, I jogged around and climbed into the driver’s seat. My Porsche purred as we sped down the road. The boat was waiting for us and I needed to get her to my private island near Fort Lauderdale before she woke up. Fighting a hellcat without solid ground beneath my feet wasn’t my idea of fun. She’d be more than happy to push me overboard and leave me to the sharks. Not that I wouldn’t be tempted to do the same to her.

I sighed, stopping at a red light. No. Not even for her could I break my vow of never physically harming a woman. I glanced back at Natalia, softly snoring and drooling over my plush leather seat. Light graced her face, flashing on and off with the rhythm of the traffic signals.

She looked so innocent, so beautiful. But I knew what a bitch she could be.

The light turned green and I revved the engine, telling myself not to get tangled up in her looks or her lies. She’d no doubt tell me whatever it was she thought I wanted to hear to let her go.

But it was the payment I was looking for. Both to finally have power over her and what happened, and second, the money I was going to get for helping the Golubevs convince her father to vote how they wanted. The bonus for me was she’d never forgive me for this, and I was just fine with that.

I coasted down the street to the docks, parking my car at the edge of the available parking. All the lights on the boat were out except for the loading dock. I jumped out of the car and opened her door. I brought my hand to the back of her neck, pressing down to make her stand, but she flopped around like a sleepyfish. If things went south, she might run out again, but at least she wouldn’t be able to run very far in a tiny dress of hers showing off her long, tanned legs.

The harbor was deserted for four blocks and I didn’t need to be subtle any longer, so I hoisted her over my shoulder. She felt so light in my arms. I jostled her up higher on my shoulder and hiked with her up the ramp. The water below us rippled, reflecting the moonlight on the waves.

My nostrils flared at the salty scent of sea air and fish stink which lingered.

The crew knew better than to ask me any questions, and the captain saluted me when I stepped on board.

I headed to the guest cabin, where I’d already prepared for this moment.