Page 82 of Dysfunctional

I turn the knob, careful to not make any noise, and push the door open slowly. After taking a step inside, I close the door quietly and travel deeper into the house, turning off a couple lights as I go. No need to chance anyone else seeing inside.

The fire in the living room burns bright enough to give off a warm glow, and I make my way toward the stairs. I follow the sound of hushed voices, hoping my steps don’t make the stairs squeak.

On the second floor, I come to stop and listen intently.

“What do you think about…” The rest is muffled, whispered.

“I’m not sure.” Kaspian’s voice.

“Did you ever…”

I creep closer to the closed door they’re behind.

“Who?” Kaspian asks.


Silence. “I don’t know who that is.”

“Oh. You sure?”

Shuffling. “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” he replies calmly.

I’m met with more silence. I press my ear to the door and hear what sounds like kissing. I put my hand on the knob, ready to turn it and push it open. I want to know what the hell is going on. I’m ready to kill them both at this point.

Kaspian has the nerve to run off with my co-worker for a week of sex, all while ignoring me, knowing he’d absolutely lose his shit if the tables were turned. His need to be wanted and desired is too strong. He needs attention from more than just me.

Willow, on the other hand, is hard to crack. She made it clear she was attracted to Kaspian, but then she said they were just friends. She shows up to my house talking nonsense before kissing me. She tells me she’s going to one cabin, just to go to another one. Not with friends as she said, but with Kaspian. Kaspian, who belongs to me.

“Does he know?” she asks quietly.

“Does who know what?”

The silence stretches on, seemingly lasting forever before she finally says, “Ezra.”

My hackles raise at the mention of my name, my body tensing, ears straining.

“What does he need to know?” Kaspian asks.

Silence. Silence. Silence.

“That you killed Emmy.”

My eyes widen as my heart throws itself at my ribcage. Behind the door, the bed creaks with movement and I hear Kaspian say, “Wait!”

I throw open the door, ripping a scream from Willow’s throat. I find her on top of Kaspian wearing only a shirt and panties while Kas lies underneath her in his typical white tank top that he wears under his T-shirts. In her hand is a knife, ready to plunge into his heart. Her eyes are red-rimmed and wild.

“What’re you doing here?” she asks, her weapon suspended in the air above his chest.

“What areyoudoing?” I fire back.

“You don’t understand, Ezra. He killed my friend. I know he did. He’s not who you think he is. I’ve been watching him. He was the last person to see Emerson. She spent time with him at her job. He was there constantly. I saw the security camera footage. And then she went missing. The other girl too. The one who’s sister came looking for her. It was him. It has to be.”

She’s a mess of emotions—anger, sadness, and frustration swirling together, making her voice high and demeanor agitated.

I step forward, holding my hands up. “It’s okay. You don’t want to do this.”

“Yes, I do,” she cries. “Emmy was one of my best friends. She was a sweet girl, and I knew she liked him. She mentioned some guy she was talking to, but never said his name. It’s him. He did this. Why?” she screams, looking into Kaspian’s eyes.