Page 79 of Dysfunctional

He inhales deeply through his nose, his nostrils flaring as he exhales. “I was in control. I told you I didn’t have a choice. She was onto me and was going to open her mouth and ruin everything I had been planning.”

“And the other one from the library? The one you fucked and then…” I don’t say the word out loud again. Too many ears. “Was that for me, too?”

“You saw me with her. Saw her disappear. So, yes,” he answers smoothly. “A man has needs. I wasn’t celibate because I wasn’t sure what would happen between us. I didn’t even know if you’d be into guys. I just knew I needed to know you. You can’t be mad at that.”

I blow out a frustrated breath. “You haven’t told me what your plan with Willow is. I know you have one, and if it isn’t to obsess over and fuck, then what is it? Because if anything happens to her, it won’t be good for either of us.”

He sighs. “I know. You’ve told me.”

Shevon rushes over, her eyes wide. “Guys, I just heard about this girl who went missing.”

“The one who had family problems?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, there was another one. Her name’s Laura and she was fairly new here. Her aunt came to town to track her down because they had plans to meet up in New York for Thanksgiving. The aunt had been out of the country for work, and she couldn’t get in touch with her niece when she returned. Thanksgiving came and went, so she finally tracked down the address where Laura was living. The apartment had been abandoned, but it was left like she had the intention of coming back. Nothing was packed, food was going bad in the fridge, and laundry was in the washer. She didn’t appear to leave town to meet with her aunt. She’s just gone. They’ve launched an investigation.”

It takes everything in me to not stare at Kaspian with worry. “Oh wow. That’s awful.”

Shevon nods, looking solemn. “My friend who works at the library said she saw her there a few times, but never really spoke to her. Now she’s gone. I wonder what happened.”

My body tenses and I can tell Kaspian’s stopped moving as well. “Hopefully they find her,” I say, knowing they won’t.

“I gotta get back to work, but apparently with this new information, they’re going to start looking into the other girl’s disappearance.”

I nod my head slowly. “Good.” Shevon walks off and I meet Kaspian’s gaze. “Not good at all.”


Kaspian leaves the restaurant shortly after the news, only saying, “I gotta go.”

Days go by and he doesn’t respond to any messages. I worry about his impulsive behavior because I’m not sure what he may do. Did he take off?

The local news has talked a little about the disappearance of these women. The cops are questioning friends and family and looking into the women’s lives. Most people don’t run away out of the blue. Unless, of course, you’re a criminal.

Two pretty, young women going missing in the same small town raises eyebrows. People are on alert, and rumors are spreading like wildfire. Luckily, everything I’ve heard hasn’t included Kaspian. He may need to show his face soon, though, or he’ll make himself look suspicious.

I go by his job on my lunch break, hoping to find him there, but one of his co-workers tells me he took personal leave.

I shake my head, frustrated with his lack of communication, and head back to work. When I’m nearing my building, a cop car passes me, going in the opposite direction and I can’t help but tense up. Hopefully he’s not looking for Kaspian, too.

Inside, I take off my jacket and hang it up, finding Willow sitting on the small, teal-colored couch in the break room.

“You okay?”

She’s zoned out, ignoring the sandwich on her lap. After a few seconds, her eyes find mine. “Oh. Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about all this stuff going on.”

“What’s that?” I ask, playing dumb.

“These women,” she says with a bite in her tone, her eyebrows furrowing. “They’re missing, Ezra.”

I nod. “Right. It’s awful.”

She shakes her head like she’s trying to calm down. “I’m sorry. It’s just…they’re my age, you know? Give or take a few years. I mean, how many more might go missing?”

I sit down next to her. “Maybe it’s just a coincidence. I don’t think you have anything to be worried about.”

“You really think so?” she questions, her eyes searching mine.

“I’m hoping it’s a coincidence, but no, I don’t think anything will happen to you. Even if I have to make sure of it myself.”