Page 12 of Reckless Roulette

“Knock it off? You want me to enjoy my kidnapping? Are you planning on abducting me and getting me to fall in love with you? There’s no heart in there to love, is there?” Len asks as he grabs onto the sides of the car while my men continue to push and shove him into the vehicle. Jerry’s got his hand on Len’s face and is doing his very best to cram him inside.

“Stop making a goddamn scene and get in the car.” I feel awkward at this point and hope we’re far enough from the hotel that someone doesn’t come out and try to figure out what’s happening.

He falls into the back seat, much to the satisfaction of my guards, and then pops out through the other door as my men dumbly stare at the spot he’d been. I come around to the far side of the car and block him before he scurries off.

“Get in the car.”

Len leans against the car as he watches me, a grin on his face. “Are you going to get in the car too? Because if you are, that sounds dreadful. No thank you.”

“Get in the car so we can have a discussion.”

He steps up into me, pressing so tightly against me that I can feel his body firmly against mine. I’m not sure if he was planning on making me back off or what, but I refuse to move. He’s around my height, but he doesn’t look imposing. It’s not like he evenactsmenacing or seems like someone to fear.

That’s why I ignored him at first. And even now… I still don’t believe he could be an assassin, but there’s something about the way he unexpectedly moves that makes me question him. The way he’d grabbed me in the car when I’d lit that cigarette wasn’t the movements of an amateur.

“The world does not revolve around you. You willnotget everything you want in life acting the way you do,” he says. “I’m busy this evening.”

“I’ll give you a million dollars,” I say.

“I already have another job this evening.”

“One that pays a million?” I ask incredulously.

“Actually, the payout is even better,” he says as he pushes my arm up and slips under it before walking over to his older car. He could buy a much better car with the money I’m offering him.

“Boss?” Jerry asks.

“Go back to the casino,” I snap before I hurry down the street and grab the passenger door of Len’s car. I’m honestly surprised to find it unlocked as I let myself in and glower at him. “I want to see who’s paying you more.”

Len shrugs. “Gonna whip out your dicks and measure them too?”

“If I have to,” I say, really wanting a cigarette, but I saw how that went down the last time I was in the car.

Len stares at me for a long moment before I realize he’s waiting for me to put my seat belt on. Irritated, I finally cave and put it on before he pulls out into the street.

“If you really are an assassin, why are you letting your face be shown with me?” I ask.

“No one cares who I am,” he says. “Everyone sees an incompetent man who has, for some reason, caught your eye. Maybe they think you find me handsome. How flattering.”

I snort because if that’s the conclusion they come to, I find it even more irritating. “I don’t sleep with men like you. I have a much more… refined taste in men.”

“Dodged a bullet there,” Len says as he wipes fake sweat off his forehead while he turns and heads toward the outskirts of town. He pulls up outside a shopping center and parks before a store thatverymuch looks like a comic book shop.

“Are you seriously… goingshopping?” I ask.

“Make sure if you stay in my car you don’t get shot and bleed all over my stuff. I have some mint condition stuff in the back that I really don’t need you to spill your guts all over.” And off he goes.

For a full minute, I sit in the passenger seat, anger rolling through me. No one hasevertreated me like this. From a young age, I was forced to work hard to reach the spot I’d gotten to. My father didn’t make growing up easy. Hell, I wasn’t even allowed to grow up. I needed to immediately be capable of doing shit a kid my age should never have to do or see. I wasn’t given time to go… play around like this guy does. I wasn’t allowed to slack off or hang out with friends or play mindless games.

When my father once found a fantasy book in my room, he yelled and told me how I would become useless letting media rot my brain. Then he dragged me away and made me watch him tear the fingernails off a man who owed him money.

I shove the car door open and get out before heading into the store. Everyone turns and looks at me when I enter, like they immediately know that I don’t belong, but a bubbly-looking woman gives me a smile. “Welcome! Can I help you find anything?”

I plan to ignore her but when I scan the room and find that Len isn’t around, I realize that I shouldn’t brush her off just yet. “The guy that just came in here, where is he?”


I hesitate as I realize that he might go by a different name with this group. “He looks like a nerd.”