Page 91 of A Hero in Hiding

One of the masked men laughs and gets up into August’s space. And that’s the moment August punches him right in the face. The man’s head snaps back as he stumbles away from August, slamming into one of his buddies who barely manages to catch him.

“Holy shit,” Deus says.

“Fuckity, fuck, fuck,” I say as I scramble out and grab onto August as he picks up the bike with the clear intention of flattening everyone who dares defy him.

“Hey, hey, stop,” I say as I grab the bike from him, not quite sure why the bike has to be harmed in the process. “They’re just a bunch of dicks. So… come on.”

August isn’t done and I find that it takes quite a bit to get the bike back onto the ground. “It’s people like them who cause people to die. It’s people like them who fucking risk the lives of others because they think they’re better than everyone else. They think they’re heroes but they’re not.”

“You aren’t any better, now are you?” the masked man asks. “You’re out here doing the exact same thing.”

August tears his mask off, which I think is the last thing he needs to do right now when we already have an audience. “Yeah? You don’t think I’m any better? You are not a fucking hero, do you understand? You have not had to go through the extensive training, through all the bullshit. You don’t have to run out every goddamn day to deal with shit like this. To deal with actual people who are out to kill and hurt others. It’s people like you who think you can do stuff like this that ends in peopledying. You never looked once before pushing him out into the damn street. There is no bike worth someone’s life, do you understand? Do you understand how you make everything harder for those who are out here risking their lives?”

The man is seeing red while the others back away.

“What makes you think you’re so goddamn special? Huh? You think you’re better than the rest of us?” he asks.

People are crowding around now, cameras out, ready to share all around the world what Chronobender is up to.

“That is enough,” I growl as I grab onto everyone with my power. They can feel it, theyknowit the moment they feel me push them all back just a little so they’re aware that their lives are literally in my hands. “Not a single one of you can judge August when you have absolutely no idea how much he’s sacrificed and what all he’s done to keep you safe. So when he simply asks you not to throw a maninto the street,you better fucking apologize.”

“Yeah, don’t be a dick,” someone in the crowd yells.

“You were harassing that guy just because he bumped into you! I saw it!” someone else shouts.

“Throw him into the street. See how he likes it!” a very unhelpful, yet wise, person shouts.

“Come on,” I say as I guide August back to the car and usher him into it.

“Would you like me to kill him for you?” Deus asks, his rifle at the ready as he slowly rolls down the window.

The man in question suddenly looks terrified.

“No!” August says quickly. “Dear god, no.”

Deus tsks before lowering his rifle and putting the car in drive. “Next time.”

“You okay?” I ask.

“No,” August admits. “That was fucking… stupid. I’m being stupid. Goddammit.”

“No, you’re upset about something, which I’m positive you have every right to be,” I say. “I… need you to talk to me.”

“I know. I’m just… so angry right now that I feel like I can’t get the words out,” he says. “I’m angry that I literally jumped out of the car and did what, exactly? Made more bullshit for Superheroes United to sort through? Like what the fuck is wrong with me?”

“August, there was not a damn person watching that argument not on your side, okay? They all thought it was bullshit,” I say.

He sighs as I grab him and pull him toward me. August heaves a big sigh as he sinks into me, setting his head against my shoulder and closing his eyes as Deus drives. “It’s my fault they have Lex.”

“It’s not your fault. We had no idea this was going to happen. They must have been following us or something. It’s not your fault,” I assure him.

He nods, slowly squeezing my hand like it’s giving him the strength he needs to get through this.

As we pull up outside headquarters, the car is checked over before we head up to the garage to park. Just as Deus turns to go into a parking spot, he slams on the brakes so hard my head nearly slams into the seat in front of me.

“Isn’t that Lex?” he asks.

“What?” I ask as I dive between the two front seats to look. Sure enough, Lex is sitting right outside the main doors. “Are you sure? It’s not an illusion?”