Page 78 of A Hero in Hiding

“What the hell was wrong withmyhelp?”

“Just hold that shaft,” Deus says as he mimes gripping it.

Ellison is staring at us like we’re inappropriate teenagers instead of grown men in charge with the heavy weight of keeping real live people safe and alive.

Lex grimaces for some odd reason. “I just… okay, you two are not helpful at all.”

“Focus and be demanding with it,” August says. “Tell it exactly what you want to do.”

“Okay,” Lex says as he closes his eyes before taking a deep breath. “I’m ready.” And just like that he lights a small flame on his hand. He smiles at it, pleased it’s being behaved.

“Grab it by the balls!” I say.

“Hold that shaft!” Deus adds as Lex’s eyes snap up to mine, and suddenly, the fire fuckingleapsat us.

It’s so damn fast that all I feel is a slight heat, and then a weird… coolness as the fire dissipates to nothing.

We’re all struck silent as I look around to see what happened and Lex lets out an extremely weird noise.

With a glance down, I’m shocked to find myself strangely unharmed, but all thoughts of that are washed away by the fact that I’ve also found myself shockingly naked.

“Did you just… burn myclothes off?” I growl before realizing that he didn’t just burnmyclothes off. He burnedallof our clothes off.

“I mean… kudos for the control, I guess,” Deus says. “Didn’t even singe a single hair on my body.”

“I think maybe you shouldn’t have been talking about dicks and balls,” August says as I realize that I haven’t looked to the right yet. Of course I want to see August naked in all his glory, but my eyes bounce right over him and to something much more shocking.


My attention fixes on Ellison who is still holding his unharmed book of laws, but his suit isgone. It’s lying as ash at his feet, two little cuff links shining on top. The only thing still on him are his glasses.

“Holy… fuck,” I blurt out before I can stop myself as my eyes run down Ellison’s naked body that is absolutelycoveredin ink. From his chest down to his feet he’s covered in tattoos that he has somehow expertly hidden by never removing his suit or tie. It honestly looks like everything above his shoulders and his hands are the only areas free of ink. It’s weirdly sexy, though the look on Ellison’s face is anything but.

“Stop looking at me!” he growls. “Stare at each other’s dicks or something!”

I don’t think any of us have the ability left to look away, so he turns quickly and struts off, showing us the tattoos spread across his back and over his ass.

“I kind of suspected you had a suit tattooed on under your suit,” Deus says. “But… wow, never expected this.”

I grin at the idea of a tattoo suit.

Ellison whips around and jabs a finger at Deus. “You are not funny, Asmodeus!”

“This is just… you’re beautiful, you know that?” Deus asks, and Ellison’s face is onfire.

He opens his mouth to say something, I’m sure, but can’t seem to get words to form and flips him off before hurrying to the door just as it opens. Valerie stops so suddenly that Wyatt slams into her, sending her into Ellison’s naked arms.

“Holy shit, what the hell are you guys doing now?” she asks.

“Orgy,” Deus says without missing a beat.

“I… accidentally burned everyone’s clothes off,” Lex says with a grimace. “I kind of feel… like…” He pulls his shirt off and tries to hand it to someone but no one takes it. I don’t think any of us can look away from Ellison long enough to do so. “Come on, guys, someone take it… I feel weird… putting it back on.”

Ellison storms back and takes it before pulling it on and hurrying back out the door.

“I think he hates me, and I made him mad…” Deus says, looking horribly disappointed. “Did you see how angry he was?”

How the hell he didn’t notice Ellison’s blushing face, I do not know. How Deus can be so damn dense, I also don’t know.