“What I’ve figured out is that the law is best messed with in the heat of battle,” Ellison explains.
“So what you’re saying is just fuck shit up and ask for forgiveness later?” Deus asks.
Ellison grimaces. “Sadly. While I did get permission to use Nolan’s powers, I’m not allowed to take him outside of the facility, so that now has made our entire idea useless since I’m also not allowed to take Ned out of the holding cell.”
“So we have to take Ned out without anyone noticing,” I say.
August’s eyes snap to mine. “You’re suggesting… breaking a criminaloutof jail, transporting him over to another facility and having another criminal interview him?”
“I sure am.”
Ellison looks like he’s dying inside as he says, “Technically… if the prisoner broke out himself and we ‘captured’ him before taking him to the nearest facility whichhappenedto be the one Nolan is staying at… we would be in the clear. We were simply moving the criminal back into their hands.”
Deus whistles and Ellison’s expression immediately turns rigid. Like he is horribly disgusted that Deus approves of his nefarious plan. I mean… I guess that is alarming.
“How do you suppose we release a prisoner?” Lex asks.
“Well, if some invisible force lets him free, it’s not our fault,” Deus says a moment before going invisible.
“I like you,” I tell Deus who reappears with a huge smile.
“Thank you.”
“We’ll have to wait until night when… when most of the workers have gone home… not that we’re doing something illegal,” August says, and I can tell he’s more than a bit hesitant about this. He’s so innocent to evil ways. “Until then… maybe we can work some more on helping Lex.”
“Dear god,” Lex says. Over the past day and a half that we’ve waited to figure out how we’re going to go about this, each of us has been trying our hand at helping Lex. So far, he’s lit multiple things on fire (that weren’t supposed to be on fire) and we’ve gone through five fire extinguishers with very limited results.
But Deus pats his shoulder and marches all of us down to the training room with pure determination.
“Ellison, I’m curious, do you sleep in your suit?” Deus asks as we walk.
“Yes. I have a sleeping suit,” Ellison says, but he says it so deadpan that I’m honestly not sure if he’s being serious or not.
“What about when you shower?” Deus asks. “Do you wear one then too?”
“Will you stop your ridiculous questions that no one has the energy to answer?” Ellison asks.
Deus is undeterred. “Like, do you want to go put some jeans or sweats on or something?”
“You could at least take off your tie or cuff links,” I agree.
Ellison snubs his nose at us but continues following us for some bizarre reason. As we reach the room, fire extinguishers at the ready, Deus, August, and I turn to assist Lex while Ellison cracks open his book of rules that’s probably the only thing that can get him off.
“How many times have you read that?” I ask curiously.
“More than you,” he says.
“I mean… I do appreciate a man who reads, but this is too much, you know?”
“No, I don’t.”
I sigh and turn to Lex and decide to spew more wisdom upon him. “Okay, so… you know what it’s like to just grab a man by the balls? That’s what it’s like to use your power. Just… grab it by its fiery balls.”
Lex turns his attention to August like I was no help at all. “August, can you help?”