Page 71 of A Hero in Hiding

“Hey, you should be happy I gave youanything,” he says as the two men finally catch up to us if the one body slamming into Lex and sending him careening to the ground has anything to say about it.

I rush at him, tiny sliver of CD at the ready, when Ned grabs me and presses a gun against my head.

“We don’t need your little friend here. We only need you. If you’re not willing to play nice, we’ll hurt him. Understand?”

I stare at him as he pries the tiny CD shard out of my hand and drops it on the ground. “Don’t touch him,” I say. “Please. Please don’t hurt him.”

The man holding Lex down tightens his grip around Lex’s throat, making him fight for breath.

“Stop! Please!”

No, no, no, I can’t let Lex die. I can’t!

“Stop! Please! Stop!” I yell as darkness begins to cloud my mind; it feels like someone is repeatedly stabbing me in the head with a knife as consciousness threatens to leave me.

Suddenly, the man holding Lex down cries out as he grabs for his chest. Stumbling off him, he claws at his chest like he thinks he’s going to dig out whatever ails him.

“Knock it off! Knock it off!” Ned says, smashing his gun into the side of my head a moment before I see a flash of someone beside me and Nolan punches Ned so hard his head snaps back and he’s thrown to the side.

“N-Nolan?” I ask in shock a moment before August, Deus, and Ellison rush onto the scene. The man doesn’t stay down long from Nolan’s hit before lunging at him, but August slams into him, grabbing him in a choke hold and tearing him to the ground. I try to reach for Lex to make sure he’s okay as my eyes settle on the man lying on the ground past Lex.


“I-I’m fine,” he gasps.

I glance at the man again. “Did I kill him? I fucking… I didn’t mean to grab his heart with my power. I just… wanted him to stop.”

August picks me up, pulling me away as Ellison helps Lex.

“He’s alive, which is the exact opposite of what I suggested,” Deus says. “But other than that, a solid try. I’d totally give you both a participation award.”

“I don’t want your fucking participation award!” I growl. “I sure as hell didn’t want to participate!”

Deus shrugs like he’s minorly uncertain why before his attention shifts to Nolan and he whistles. “Who’s the hot guy who decided to steal our thunder? Should I kill him so it looks like we were here first? Or is it wrong to let him live because he’s hot?”

I look over and realize that I’d really prefer Deus to not shoot Nolan… Nolan… what the hell is Nolandoing here?

“N-Nolan? What the hell are you doing here?” I ask in shock.

He’s panting as he stands before me. “T-These dickheads… hung up on me. I didn’t… trust they’d actually save you.”

“You… busted out of the facility? How the hell did you get out?” I ask in disbelief. There are so many protocols in place to let us in that I can’t fathom how he got out.

“Just… don’t worry about it,” Nolan says as he grabs me into a hug.

“Who is this man acting overly familiar with you? Is this another friend I have to fight for a spot with?” Deus asks.

“This is my brother, Nolan,” I say.

“I shall permit this, then.”

“Why can’t you stay out of trouble?” Nolan asks.

“Is that an option? I’m pretty sure if that was an option, I’d pick it because I planned to read today. I planned to watch a movie and force August to love me. None of this. Nolan, you could get in trouble. What if they send you to the prison because you escaped?” I ask anxiously.

“I don’t care… I would never have forgiven myself if I sat on my ass while someone out here hurt you. There’s nothing I can do that will ever make up for what I did to you, but I can at least try to keep you safe.”

August moves in and squeezes me tightly to him, his anxiety clearly written across his face.