Page 68 of A Hero in Hiding


Lex looks over at me, so I lean into him, hoping to keep the two in the front from hearing what’s going on. I don’t need the driver or passenger to figure out that I’m on to them and take my phone away or stop us. I try to discreetly write “abducted” on his leg with my finger.

He glances at me like he’s never seen the English language in his life.

So I try again with “Bad guys.”

“Isn’t that a song?” he asks.

For fuck’s sake.

“Can I see that picture you wanted to show me earlier?” I ask.

He gives me a doe-eyed blank stare. “What picture?”

“On your phone. Let me see your phone.”

“Why?” Lex asks. My eyes must explain why because he hands the phone over with a “Sheesh, don’t murder me.”

I pull up a text and quickly write. “Keep quiet. These guys have abducted us, I think. I can’t use my powers.”

The color in his face drops quite a bit as his head snaps to me, and he quickly snatches the phone up and writes, “I can’t use my power.”

I pat his leg in what is supposed to indicate “It’s fine, we’ll handle this” but turns out to be a bit more of a smack that makes the passenger look back at us.

“Something up?” he asks.

“He had a bug crawling on him. I got it,” I say before smacking Lex’s leg again. I notice the man eyeing the phone in my hand, so I shrug. “Sorry, it’s my mom. She wants to know what I want to do for my birthday. It really doesn’t matter because every year she does something super stupid. Like the one year she thought it’d be fun to do one of those scavenger hunt things. I was so annoyed I just like blew up the whole thing.”

“Ah, yeah. Go to a movie or something,” Ned says.

“Yeah, Mom, what about a movie?” I ask.

“I’ll be your mommy,” Deus says.

“For fuck’s sake, focus, Deus,” August yells in the background.

“Right! Okay, so if you can’t use your power, you’re going to have to stop them with physical force. Now whatever you do, you have to mean it. Go for the driver first. Wait until he’s slowing, possibly for a stop sign or something so you know for sure the cruise control isn’t on. How many weapons do you have on you?” Deus asks.


He gasps. “What? Why?”


“Fine! Okay. Is there anything in the back seat?”

I glance around and find a CD. Do people even use these things anymore?

“Well… you know I’ve been wanting that new CD.”

“Do people even use CDs anymore?” Deus asks.

“He’s saying there’s a CD in the car,” August says.

“Oh fuck, right! Okay, CDs actually work really well. Take it out of the case and snap it in half. The point of it should be enough to kill him. I want you to go right for the throat. Don’t slice, stab with all the force you can apply, understood?”

“Not understood!” I cry before remembering that I’m supposed to be talking to my mom… who am I kidding, I usually yell at my mom’s ludicrous ideas too.