Page 61 of A Hero in Hiding

“Oh, honey,” Lex says as he pets the other side of his face. August is one hundred percent confused and unsure why we are “Oh, honeying” him.

“Let’s go,” I say as I head for the door. “Maybe as we walk, you marinate on this Deus/Ellison thing.”

August points off to where Ellison is trying to find a very invisible Deus. “Ellison told us to wait.”

“And we would wait… why?” I ask.

“Oh, honey,” Lex says, which makes me laugh as I head to the front door of the building.



I step inside and don’t see anyone at the front but remember that in Dave’s text he’d said to come right up, so I look around for the stairs before August points down the hallway. Seeing as it’s after hours, I’d assume most everyone would be gone for the day.

The three of us head over to the stairs before walking up to the second floor where there’s a light on in the office at the end of the hallway. The door is ajar, so I walk up and knock, but when I get no answer, I push on it a little.

“Dave? This your office? If not, I’m just letting myself into some random guy’s office,” I say as I head inside. August slips in with me, moving around the side to give room for Lex to follow us.

“I don’t see…” August stops so abruptly that I slam into him.

“What’s wrong?” I ask before peeking around him and realizing, quite quickly, exactly what is wrong.

“Oh my god,” I whisper as I stare down at the body, blood pooled out around it. Dave lies just beyond his desk, eyes open and unseeing, a gunshot wound right through his head.

“Oh fuck,” Lex says as I feel him grab my shoulder, fingers digging into my arm.

“Get out, we need to secure the building,” August says as he tries ushering us both out.

I try to slip past him to get closer to Dave, but August stops me and shoos me out of the room. He makes a call as I hurry down the hallway, blowing open doors with my mind as we go. The locks don’t withstand me, but if the killer is still in this building, he needs to be stopped now.

Did Dave get too close? He said he had something for me… heknewsomething, and now he’s dead.

Why? What did he know? What ended up costing him his life?

When I’ve finished checking the rooms upstairs, Lex and I return to August who seems to have just ended a call. He motions down the stairs as he starts to explain what he’s learned. “Valerie has a team heading here. We aren’t to go back in that room in case we contaminate something. For now, we need to secure the perimeter to see if we can find anything.”

“Okay,” I say as I head down the stairs right as Deus and Ellison start up them.

“Dave is dead,” I say, which startles Ellison enough he draws still.

“What? Your informant?” Deus asks as his hold on his weapon shifts. He immediately seems more alert.

“Yeah. Someone shot him through the head. We have to secure the area,” I say. “He texted me”—I quickly check my phone—“seven minutes ago. The killer had to have leftminutesbefore we arrived. I’ve already scouted the second floor and gotten into all of the rooms, so I know he’s not upstairs.”

Deus nods as he hurries back down. “I’ll scout the perimeter. I saw nothing during my previous round, but I also had someone shouting at me the whole time, giving the attacker ample heads-up about us coming.”

He turns invisible, but August still shakes his head. “You three check in here; I’ll help him.”

“Quietly!” Deus demands as he hurries off.

“Okay,” I say as I start trying doors. Any door that doesn’t give, I simply use my mind to bust it open.

“Aren’t you skilled enough that you could just… turn the lock without seeing it?” Lex asks.

I still, well on my way to busting through another door as it slowly dawns on me that I’ve been an idiot. “I… prefer this method, but I suppose if you prefer the other, I shall try it.”

He gives me a knowing look as I reach out and simply use my mind to unlock the door, swinging it open to check.