Page 52 of A Hero in Hiding

“So we torture them all,” Deus decides, like this is a perfect idea. “We’ll waterboard everyone with the threat of chopping something off and see where we’re at from there!”

Absolutely no one seems to think this is a good idea for some reason. And honestly… for me it sounds like too much work. Deus looks a little disappointed.

“I was willing to organize it,” he mutters. “I even… picked out a name for it: Torturer Timez.”

Ellison is staring at him in disgust as I watch Deus pull out another doll and write Ellison’s name across it. He stares him in the eyes while he starts putting pins in it. Ellison shows absolutely no sign of giving a single shit about this.

“Teach, Mr. Teach, I have a question,” I say.


“Why is it that the first time the illusionist did it, it seemed like time stopped? But after that initial instance, time wasn’t stopped as long or possibly not even stopped at all?”

“That’s something I’ve been trying to figure out. I’m not sure of the answer yet, but my guess is he’s getting more confident in his power. He’s twisting things in order to manipulate someone’s mind. Maybe as he grows and gets better with it, he doesn’t have to concentrate as hard and can do it faster, so whatever strange time effect that initially happened hasn’t repeated.”

“Hmm… sounds shitty.”

“Anyway. My goal is to teach you how to see an illusion. And to tell which one is fake and which one is real,” Ellison says… from behind us.

From… behind us…

Quickly, I turn around and look at Ellison standing behind us, then turn and look at the one in front of us.

“Fucking hell,” Deus says as he jumps and his box of pins go flying everywhere. He quickly tries to gather them all up.

The Ellison behind me walks around the table to join… two Ellisons? There’s now three of them, all with perfect mannerisms, aka: rods up their asses with a scowl on their stupidly sexy faces.

“Now I want you to tell me,” Ellison Number One says.

“Which of us is the real one,” Ellison Number Two says.

“Make your choice wisely,” Ellison Number Three instructs.

“They all look evil,” I say.

“So if we touch you can we tell?” August inquires.

“I can manipulate your mind into thinking you’re feeling me, so no.”

Lex leans forward to examine them. “That’s really neat.”

“I’m positive I can tell,” Deus says.

“There’s no way,” I say as I use my telekinesis to grab onto each of the illusions in turn. Every single one of them has the same feel of resistance. He even knows how to manipulate my mind to feel the set weight of his body as well as how to distribute it proportionately so I feel absolutely nothing off. “Holy shit, that’s good.”

“What if I freeze time? Can I tell? Would only your regular body be left behind?” August asks.

“That, I actually don’t know,” he says.

August doesn’t take me with him, but he suddenly has a perplexed look on his face. “Well, damn… nope. You all looked the same and manipulated the same. That’s… fascinating. It feels more like you’re making clones of yourself instead of illusions.”

“I can tell,” Deus mumbles since we seemed to have ignored him, or rather, not believed him the first time.

“I won’t use my power on you,” Lex says with a nervous laugh.

“I appreciate that,” Valerie says since he’d likely just crispen us all. But hey, it’d probably figure out which one is the real Ellison.

“Alright, Deus, tell us,” I say, just to humor him.