Page 41 of A Hero in Hiding

“He’s… unique,” he says with a nod before giving me a smile. “I like him. He gave me this.” He holds up the voodoo doll.

“You really like that, don’t you?” I ask.

“I have no idea why. It’s… cathartic, and I don’t know why,” he says as I realize the doll is supporting a whole shirt made of pins. He’s even arranged them by color.

“It does look really fun.”

“Do you want to try?”

I reach for it until I feel a demon in our presence. “Have you two looked over your sheets?” Valerie says.

“Yeah,” August says. I don’t even remember where I put mine.

“I… think I lost mine,” I realize.

Valerie lets out a long sigh before handing me another. “Good thing I made multiple copies.”

I toss it in the trash as I walk on by. “I lost that one too.”

“Good thing I mademorecopies,” she growls as she shoves this one into my hand with enough force that I know it’d be best not to let it drop into the trash or the next one will likely be stapled to my forehead.

We’re moved into a room where only the recording crew and a few others are waiting, all of whom had to be thoroughly vetted so we didn’t end up with the same scenario again. We’re taken over to a desk with five chairs that a single man is hovering near.

Valerie looks around. “Where is the interviewer we requested?” she asks.

The man smiles as he walks up and shakes her hand. “Sorry but Sidney couldn’t make it, so it’s me today.”

Valerie is clearly displeased by this, but she gives him a grimace. “I see. Could we… possibly hold off then, Dennis?”

“I’m sorry. We’re set to go live shortly. Is there a problem?” Dennis asks with a smirk that tells me he knows that there is but doesn’t give a shit. I smile widely as I hold my hand out to him.

“Lovely to meet you, Dennis.” I keep smiling and keep shaking, refusing to let go even after the clear “Okay, this is getting fucking awkward” stage. We’re bridging over into the “Is this life now?” stage but I keep going. I want to at least reach the “I’m going to die, aren’t I?” stage before I finally let go.

He looks a bit worried but plasters his best look over it when I finally let go.

Valerietsksbut turns to security. “Please keep the area monitored at all times. Only this small group of us are allowed in the room to keep the events of last time from happening again.”

The recording crew settle us into the chairs and a man turns to us after everything is set. “Three, two, one…”

He motions to us, and Dennis immediately takes over. “Today I’m joined by Chronobender, Leviathan, and their manager Valerie, who I feel like you all know after the events earlier this week. So the current claim is that there’s a super who is manipulating illusions that cause you to see things and even attack innocent bystanders. So far, there’s been no way to identify the alleged illusionist. You don’t suppose the pressure that has been placed on the heroes of this city has caused some lasting damage, do you?”

August smiles at Dennis, looking perfectly happy to be here while I’m dying a little inside. This whole thing is dreadful and there’s absolutely no part of me that wants to be here right now. “Thank you for your question, Dennis. Honestly, there used to be a lot of pressure on us. It became so extreme that I felt like I had to do the jobs of all emergency personnel in this city, but you’ll be happy to know that after these last few months I have started to receive more support and it’s been very appreciated. I hope that we continue to work harder to expand on this. I’m so pleased that with Leviathan’s help, we’ve been able to bring the crime rate down to an all-time low.”

Dennis nods thoughtfully. “Do you think that’s because you’ve instilled fear in the citizens by bringing a villain into the limelight?”

Oh, how I wish I could bitch slap him off the stage. Just make him fly like Hannah. Maybe let him bounce a bit before coming to rest somewhere far,faraway from me. Would anyone really blame me? Some might even find it fun and delightful. I sure would.

I’m practicallydyingto say something, but knowing that it could upset everything August has worked for makes me bite my tongue.

Instead, I pet Zacia to soothe myself at least a little.

“There are very few citizens who are even bothered by Leviathan’s presence. Most welcome the added protection,” August says, forever keeping the fake smile he wears for media plastered to his face.

It fucking irritates me to no end that he’s forced to try so hard for these unappreciative assholes. That he’s forced to wear himself down and bend to their rules. August reaches over and gives my knee a gentle squeeze, telling me that he’s aware that I’m getting far too close to snapping. I let his touch soothe my temper, but it’s hard.

“So, Leviathan, tell me about your assault during theHannah Showlast week.”

I glance down at Valerie’s card, knowing quite well that she didn’t write enough shit to tell me the answer to this. When I find a decent-looking line, I open my mouth, but before I can say anything, August starts talking. Shock fills me as I realize his plastered-on smile is gone. I’ve never seen that fake expression leave him during a time like this, especially when a camera is on him. He’s nearly shaking as he turns to Dennis, and I look at him in surprise.