Page 40 of A Hero in Hiding

August takes it from me, probably hoping to keep me from selling my soul to the devil. Then he jabs the doll right in the arm before he smiles. “Can I have this?”

“Of course!” Deus says. “I can make these things in my sleep. We weren’t allowed coloring books or anything foolish like that.”

Valerie whips around in her seat, having given in to allowing Deus to join our party, probably planning to arrest him once we arrive. “I expected better from both of you. Your job is to protect this city. You are not children playing a game. You are to stay focused. When we arrive, you willbothapologize and say everything that is on these sheets.”

She passes each of us a sheet of paper absolutelycoveredin words that I will probably never say. I get as far as “I seek your understanding—” and decide that I’d rather not. August, on the other hand, stabs what I’m thinking is the equivalent of a voodoo doll a couple more times. It seems quite relaxing for him, and I give Deus a thumbs-up.

“Do you want a second pin?” he asks as he pulls a little container out of his pocket and offers one up.

August greedily takes the entire container, leaving Deus with the single pin before smiling as he stabs the doll again. Deus just stares at the pin before putting it in his pocket like a psychopath. He’s clearly a murderer.

August jabs the doll with a third pin.

“Fuck, you’re so hot,” I tell August.

His smile spreads.

The moment we pull up to the station, security is on us, yanking the door open and trying to drag our new friend out and off to prison.

Deus, for some reason, seems surprised by this turn of events. “Wait! What? I thought we were tight! I will sacrifice you, you heartless woman,” he yells at Valerie.

“No! Deus, your death will not be in vain! Deeee-uuusss!” I toss in a bit of dramatics as I call for him just for a dash of fun as he’s hauled off. It takes him all of three seconds to disappear, and then security is running around waving their arms this way and that to try to find the invisible man.

“Let me ride you in,” Deus says in my ear.

“My body can’t handle anything heavier than a book and Zacia,” I say as I hold the cat up for him to see. “But you can ride August as long as you promise to remain fully clothed with no more than a minor erection. I know it sounds weird, but August gives everyone a minor erection, and I can’t fault you for that.”

“What if August rides me instead?” Deus says as he picks August up so now it looks like August is floating. August doesn’t even struggle. He just submits to it. And off he floats up to the front of the building while holding his doll and box of pins. The moment Valerie sees this spectacle, she’s prepared to murder him.

“Go for the ankles,” she declares.

I reach out and grab Valerie’s arm before she can take out the surely innocent—ish—man’s ankles.

“Valerie… I know you hate anyone not in our little circle… but I think he could actually help us,” I say. “He obviously worked with someone who wants us dead. He never had to admit to us that he’d been hired to kill us, but he did. He could possibly have information about what’s happening. If you were able to trust me, then maybe you can trust him.”

She jabs me in the chest. “I trust that you will be the death of me. If this ends up being a huge fuck-up, it will beyourhead that I will serve to the community on a gold platter.”

“A bit morbid, but I like it,” I say as we reach the door where Deus forgets that carrying August makes him quite tall. He smashes August’s face right into the doorframe, making his head snap back and nearly fall off.

Valerie turns and stares me right in the eyes. “Landon.”

“Ha… ha ha ha…” I rush off as quickly as I can, positive that she’s getting the golden platter as we speak. I swear I can even hear her sharpening her best butchering knife. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” August says as blood gushes out of his nose.

“That’s excellent,” I say, patting my pockets for a tissue.

“I wouldnotget blood on that doll if I were you,” Deus says, becoming visible again.

I stare at him, minorly worried that Valerie might be right. “What… would happen if you got blood on it?” What thefuuuuuck?

“Well… it’d get bloody and gross,” Deus says as he sets August down.

“Oh. Right. Ha ha. Silly me. Not sure what I was thinking. Anyway, Valerie has approved you being around us. I’m not sure you’ll be able to go back with us, but we also want to speak with you about some details once we’re done.”

“Of course!” He follows us inside, but when we reach security, he willingly stays back in the lobby area waving to us like we’re about to embark on a grand journey across the seas and not be back in half an hour.

“What do you think of our demon worshiper?” I ask August as we follow a woman back.