I flick my wrist, trying to pull the cape off, but that fucker’s really stuck and I don’t want to obliterate the slide. The employee is giving it a valiant effort as well, and I’m afraid that if I pull too hard it’ll end up smacking and hurting the employee.
I decide I’ll just rip it from the back of his suit and then when there’s no weight on it, the employee should be able to pull it free. So with a flick of my hand, I pull the cape off Brandon.
What I didn’t realize is how… attached that cape was as it tears Brandon’s clothes clean off his body.
Suddenly, he looks down at his penis on display for all to see, and trust me, there’s not much to see as my brother whips around the slide in the nude.
As he lands with a splash, I realize that I just found a very effective way to remove everyone from a pool.
“Why the hell aren’t you wearing underwear?” I growl.
“I was! But I didn’t want them to get wet, so I took them off!” he says.
“What kind of logic is that?”
“The good kind. Oh no! Now everyone’s going to know what I look like! Give me your mask!”
I sigh because absolutely no one cares what he looks like. “Where’s your underwear? Just… stay in the water until I get them,” I say as I wade out. He points to a chair next to Mom who is one hundred percent pretending like she has no idea what’s going on. She won’t even look this way. With a sigh, I get out and walk over to the chair where Brandon’s underwear sits on display. He didn’t even try to hide them, just left them out for everyone to see.
The three of us gather around and stare down at them.
“Okay, I get the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that are on them,” August says.
Lex nods. “But your brother doesn’t look like a thong kind of guy.”
“Just… one of you pick it up. I don’t want to touch it,” I say.
August’s face scrunches up. “Well… I don’t want to touch it either.”
We both turn to Lex and I raise an eyebrow. “You’re the newcomer.”
Lex looks at me in horror. “You’re hisbrother.”
“Exactly. Brothers shouldn’t have to touch each other’s underwear. He was shouting my name loud enough people probably know it’s me. What if tomorrow’s news caption is of me holding my brother’s underwear and something like ‘Leviathan’s secret collection of his brother’s undies’?”
“I’m sure that’s not what they’re going to think,” August assures me.
“Just use your telekinesis,” Lex suggests.
“I can’t! Then they’ll super know it’s me!”
“It’s just underwear for god’s sake, Landon,” Mom says as she looks at me in disbelief.
“Thenyougive it to him,” I say.
“I am your mother.Yougive it to him.”
“You don’t want to touch them either!” I realize.
“Landon, did you find them?” Brandon asks.
“I found them,” I say regretfully.
“I got it,” August says as he picks up the entire chair and carries it over to Brandon so he can pick up his own underwear.
“Oh my god, that was so smart and sexy,” I realize as Brandon plucks the underwear off.
“Thanks, my dude,” Brandon says before pulling the thong onto his head. “I mean… it’s not the best mask, but it’ll have to work for now.” He struts out of the pool with his junk fully on display.