“What if I… took a shit in the pool!” he exclaims.
“Do you think we really want to swim in it then?” I growl.
He looks disappointed. “Oh. Right…”
“I got an idea,” Mom says. “Landon, Brandon, you know the drill. It’s time to kill your father.”
“Oh dear god,” I groan as the huddle breaks. Mom goes up to a food booth and returns a moment later with a plastic knife.
“It’s all they had,” she says as she holds it up in the air and faces my father. “You lying piece of shit, how dare you do this to me? I will NEVER forgive you!”
“No, Father! Fuck, I forgot my lines,” Brandon realizes.
And then she stabs my father hard enough the plastic snaps. He even cringes a bit, but her grin does little to portray the part she’s chosen to play. It’s quite clear she’s enjoying it.
Dad reaches out to Mom as he dramatically stumbles back before realizing the pool is quite far away and stumbles back some more and… a little more until he finally feels the edge of the pool behind him. “My one true love, I leave this world with only you in my mind—”
“What about me, Dad?” I ask.
Dad nods quickly. “With you and my three beautiful sons in mind.”
“What about August, Dad?”
“My wife, my three beautiful sons, and my son’s boyfriend.”
“What about Zacia, Dad?”
“My wife, my three beautiful sons, my son’s boyfriend, and my son’s cat in my mind. Please, don’t forget me, and remember that I will, and have always, loved all of you,” he declares before flipping backward into the water and smacking down on his front before floating off.
Mom’s attention snaps to me. “Landon, it’s your part!”
Making sure to sound as dry and unenthusiasticas possible,I announce, “Oh no! There’s a dead man in the pool.”
Absolutely no one looks up as my father floats off. The lifeguard doesn’t even bother to glance his way. Everyone else from the SAVCGEM are off lazy rivering it up.
I point at the next pool over. “What about that one? That one looks fun and there’s not a dead man in it.”
Lex shrugs. “Looks good to me.”
“They’re selling swimsuits, I’ll buy us some,” I say as I point to the shop. I head over to it, along with Lex, August, and Brandon, but my brother looks confused.
“Landon, where are you going?”
“You need an actual swimsuit to go on the slide.”
Brandon examines his villain suit, cape and all. “But I look so cool.”
“Don’t go down the slide in that,” I warn him.
He doesn’t really commit before wandering off, probably to try something else stupid while the rest of us enjoy our time.
“I’m… really excited about this,” Lex announces.
“As long as August swims for me, I think it’ll be fun,” I say since the idea of using my own limbs sounds dreadful.
Lex smiles, appearing genuinely happy as he looks around at the suits. “I… just didn’t get to do many fun things like this growing up, you know? I was… pretty restricted,” he says, expression changing until his face is drawn tight and his brow furrows.
It reminds me that he supposedly burned down the foster home he was staying in as a child. I wonder if they marked him as unsafe… I can only fathom how restricted he was after that.