Page 31 of A Hero in Hiding

“Borrow Valerie’s phone and read a book on it.”

“It’s not the same. I have to feel it. I have to stroke it. I have tosmell it,” he explains.

“You are not stroking my phone,” Valerie growls as she slips her phone into her pocket in case he were to reach for it. “Let’s see what we can do.”

“While you do that, I’m going to be involved in a much-needed nap.”

I glance between Landon and Valerie as I think about how, no matter what she does, I find myself leaning toward Landon, wondering how it’d feel to look at the world through his eyes, where I just don’tcareabout anyone but those who mean the most to me. Where I don’t focus on the little shit or on the public’s opinion. And then there’s Valerie who is the whole reason I’m a public icon for this city. Who is why I’m able to assist and help so many people. Why I’m able to save lives.

But then why is it when things like this happen, they’re so quick to turn on me?

Hell. This is stupid. All of this is stupid. Landon’s right. A nap sounds wonderful.



There’s a knock on the front door of my house around six that justsoundssuspicious.

“You… want me to get that?” August asks from deeper in the house.

“What if… we got an incinerator and we put it on the front porch and when someone we didn’t like came to the front door, we could simply… you know…” I let my fingers dance in what I feel like is a proper flickering motion.

“Incinerate them?” August asks as he looks at me like I might either be onto something or crazy. I can’t tell. It’s a sexy look either way.

“Just lightly.”

“How do youlightlyincinerate someone?”

“I mean… is it really even illegal?”

The look on August’s face is answer enough but he doesn’t stop there. “It’s highly illegal!”

“I just think for someone who rules the city, your rules are a bit strict,” I say as I go to the front door and swing it open. “See? Does this not look like someone who would enjoy being incinerated?”

Brandonbeamsat me. “Landon! Landon, I stopped a stalker who was stalking your house! See!” he says as he points at a body lying in the front yard.

“He killed someone,” I say in realization. “He actually killed someone. Is it still illegal to incinerate him?”

“Oh shit,” August says as he runs out, but the body gives us a thumbs-up and a muffled, “’M okay.”

“Oh, see? No harm, no foul, no fuckery or something like that. I don’t know. Ha ha. Wait… is that Lex?” I ask, a bit more worried now.

“It tis be I…” he groans.

I turn to my brother while jabbing a finger at the body. “Youknow who Lex is.”

Brandon slowly turns to assess Lex as August helps him up. He’s got some grass in his teeth from when Brandon must have smashed him into the earth but seems no worse for wear… kind of.

Lex is a superhero who’d been called in to assist August during the mess with Marauder. As a top-class super with the power to manipulate fire, his ability has pushed him up in the ranks until he was deemed powerful enough to be one of the top heroes. The issue is that Lex seems to be afraid of his power because he has a lack of control over it, leaving it suppressed. He generally only does small things that he feels like he has complete control over, such as lighting a small barrier. But other times, when his fire gets out of control, it just spreads, burning up everything around him while he can do nothing but watch.

“Oh! I thought he looked familiar! Ha ha!” Brandon says as I sigh loudly before walking over to make sure Lex is truly still alive. He’s wearing makeup that looks like it was probably done quite well when he came over, but right now, the blue eyeshadow is smudged across his face from when he’d eaten earth. I don’t get much time to assess the rest of his being because Brandon picks Lex up like a baby. “There. All better!”

“Why am I being carried, and why is your brother so muscular and you look like a twig, Landon?” Lex asks before pointing at Brandon’s muscular arm. “May I?”

“May you ever!” Brandon says cheerfully, so Lex strokes his arms.

His perfectly manicured eyebrows reach for the sky. “Oh wow.”