Page 99 of A Hero in Hiding

August is staring at me in that way that he does when he’s trying to fully comprehend something I’ve said before he will, one hundred percent, pretend like I said nothing at all and smile.

And there’s the smile. “I’m so glad you like your books.”

“No comment on the wasps?”

He’s quiet for a moment before trying again with abiggersmile. “I’m so glad you like your books.”

“Yeah, but what did you think about the wasps?”

August hesitates. “I… think… it was…” He tries the smile again but when I continue to scrutinize him for an answer, he finally caves. “Kind of fucked up that they got you… wasps for a present…”

That makes me laugh and he bites back a grin. “Yeah, I think that sums it up pretty well.”

“Speaking of your family… your mom’s been messaging meall morning. I guess… you told her… you wanted to free the sharks.”

“Oh shit,” I say with a grin. “I forgot about that. I mean… it could be fun if we went to the aquarium or the zoo… Like… as villains, you know?”

“Are we freeing sharks?”

“Dear god, no. I don’t even know where the closest ocean is from here.”

“Okay. Then yes, let’s go. I’ll tell her we’ll meet at the SAVCGEM meeting hall at like… ten? And how about the zoo? There’s an aquarium there and we might not get recognized as easily since it’s farther away?”

“Sounds good,” I say as the others come in. “Do you guys want to go to the aquarium with us?”

Deus gasps. “I’ve only ever been to an aquarium once and it was to push a guy into the shark tank, and I was so sad that I didn’t get to see the rest of the fish!”

“Does everyonebutDeus want to go to the aquarium?”

Lex looks thrilled. “I do! I really do!”

Ellison hesitates. “I suppose… things would be best to marinate for a day while we… recoup.”

“That was the weirdest yes, but good,” I say.

Deus slumps down on the couch. “I guess… I’ll stand outside the aquarium to keep you safe.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I was clearly joking. I’m not going to leave your crazy ass behind.”

He looks up at me. “Really?”

“Yes. I wouldn’t leave you here or guarding my ass or anything. That’s not what friends do.”

“For being pretty quick at noticing things others don’t see, you’re really dense, aren’t you?” Ellison asks.

Deus glances over at him before smiling. “I like you guys. I really like you guys.”

I give him a shrug. “That’s because we’re fucking likable. I mean, look at us. Now everyone, as soon as you’re done eating… get dressed.”

“Was I supposed to be naked?” Deus says.

“Let’s see what I have for you guys to wear,” I say while eating my donut. “Deus, you seem to be good at making things. Can you make yourself a mask?”

“I sure can,” he says as he picks up my curtain. “This looks like a good—”

“Don’t use my fucking curtain.”

He picks up a book and must get an extremely good look at my face because he immediately puts it back down. “Wow, you could give my demons a run for their money with that look!”