Page 12 of She Who Watches

Chapter 14

Man That You Fear

Now that I had control of the situation, I decided to take what I could get. I started to grind slowly but quickly found that I needed more. I leaned toward Kiren, placing my hands on his chest, which allowed me a different angle. I knew I would not last long at this rate, but I didn't care. I wanted to be greedy, I would take what I could get, and then we could work on his needs.

"Fuck” As I growled, Kiren grabbed me by the hips and began to pound into me. It took seconds for the orgasm to grip me. I felt the pleasant tingle begin at my toes and rip through me as I shattered.

Before I could settle from the first orgasm, the second one snuck up on me. Then suddenly, Kiren let out a groan. "Fuck me, Princess," he said as his orgasm took hold.

At this point, I couldn't even think straight, let alone hold my head up. I laid my head on Kiren's chest, allowing myself to settle back into reality. I didn't remove myself from Kiren, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry for me to move either. Instead, he gently caressed my arm, allowing me the time I needed to pull myself together.

"Why?" I said after a few moments, and I was sure I could speak. "Why do you call me Princess?" I wondered about this since I realized he had often used this endearment.

"Because I want you to know what you are to me. I want you to know though crazy it may sound, that I plan to spend the rest of my life ensuring that you are pampered and pleasured like the princess you are. I know that you think this may be a little crazy, and I understand that it is. However, when I take over Marilyn's operations, you can continue to work if you want, but only if you come home to me."

It took a few moments for what he said to hit me. "What do you mean take over Marilyn's operations?" I said as I jumped off of him and sat on the bed.

"I am buying Marilyn out. Well, at least the company I own is. She came to us weeks ago." Was he serious? He had to be; why would he lie? I felt like my heart would beat out of my chest." Did she not tell you that she was looking to sell?"

"Wait, the company you own, what company? And no, she has never mentioned it." Shit, what the hell was going on. I jumped up from the bed and looked down at Kiren. I knew it was a power move but didn't know what else to do. "So what is this? A tasting? Checking out the products before you buy?" My heart rate and breathing increased as I realized I had been used.

"No, no. Nothing like that" Kiren was out of the bed, now pacing in front of me, naked. "Well, the first time I ended up in your room was a test. I was trying to see what this service was and how it would fit in the grand scheme. But you were there, and I couldn't keep my eyes off you. You caused something in me to awaken. Then later that night, I was at the club in my office and saw you in your friend walk in. I watched you from my office until I went down and decided to look for you. Then I found you, and I couldn't keep my hands to myself. I needed you then, and I need you now." He appeared sincere.

'I don't know how I feel about this. I need some time to think. I need to process." I looked at myself in a mirror to ensure my clothes were adjusted correctly and noticed my hair's mess. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun to leave without looking like I had just had the best sex of my life. But then again, most people would probably walk out looking like that. "I need to leave," I said as I made my final adjustments. I could see Kiren walking to me in the mirror. I turned to make a stand, but he was already there, and I turned right into him.

"Please, let's talk. I know this all sounds crazy, weird, and impossible. I am sure you feel like you have been lied to, and I guess in a way you have, but that was never my intention. You were never my intention. This..." he said, motioning to the bed and me, "was never my intention. He grabbed me and kissed me as if his life depended on it. And in a way, it had because that kiss melted my soul, and with that, my anger also melted.

It was just a kiss, but I could feel the desire building in me again. This pull toward him was there, and I didn't want to let go. I didn't want to be away from him. I realized if I didn't stop this and stop this now, we would end up back in that bed again. I could feel that he was ready as his erection became more pronounced.

"I don't know what it is about you," I said as I pulled away, placing my hands on his shoulders to keep some distance between us.

"Is that a good thing, or should I be concerned" He lowered his chin to my hands and rubbed his cheek across my hand.

"I need to go. I need to leave and think and figure things out" So I went to step away from him, and he stepped into me and pulled me close.

"But you want to stay" he began to leave a trail of kisses between my collar and jaw. Goose bumps broke out over my body, and I raised my hips to meet him, and he snickered."I told you that you wanted to stay."

And I did. Boy, I wanted to stay, but I had to figure things out other than sex. I needed to figure out if this connection was enough or if this was it. I needed to figure out what I would do for a living.

I stepped into him, ducked under his arm, and got away. I started to back towards the door, not taking my eyes off him."Kiren, please get dressed and take me home" I placed my hand on the doorknob of his suite and walked out, shutting the door behind me.

"How am I ever going to survive this," I asked myself as I descended the steps so I could wait for Kiren.

Chapter 15

I Get Off

Once out the door, I realized how beautiful the night indeed was. The moon was full, the sky was clear, and with no city lights around, it looked like all the stars could be seen from here. I could hear the insects, the slightly warm breeze, and the smell of fresh honeysuckle in the air, and it was the perfect setting for so many beautiful things to occur.

"You should check the sky on a night like this in the garden." I heard Kiren say from behind me. "It's even more beautiful and relaxing than standing here, in the driveway."

"Maybe on another night, you know, when I know the real reason I am here and what others are doing to play with my life," I said as I turned to face Kiren. "So, where are you parked? I am ready to go."

"Edith, I swear it's not like whatever you think." He was gorgeous, bathed in the moonlight, yet I couldn't trust him.

"Let's go, Kiren. Once we are in the car, you can explain what it isn't like, but I feel like I have given you enough tonight." I gave him a part of me that I don't usually give. Sex is one thing. I have had my share of one-night stands or friends who were there for sex and sex only. But, Kiren felt different; he made me feel that he was different.

"Ok, we can talk in the car." Kiren started to walk toward a line of cars, and he walked up to a black SUV and opened the passenger side door for me. Straightening my spine, I walked over to get into the passenger seat. Kiren grabbed my wrist and then pulled me to him. He let go of the door to the SUV and walked me backward until I bumped into the SUV seat.