Page 10 of She Who Watches

"What is this?" I asked as I walked closer to the wall to understand better what the man was doing.

"He is a rigger. Someone that likes tieing people up with intricate knots." Kiren said as he approached me and placed his hand on my lower back. "Do you see the beauty in what he is doing?" He whispered the sentence close to my ear, his nose lightly touched my neck, and I could feel my core begin to heat.

"Yes, I do see the beauty. But is there pleasure in this for her?" I had seen a lot of things in my room back at the condo but never this. I had clients who used rope, but it was always for positioning or restraints and involved sex at some point.

"I have been told by the women who give themselves to a rigger that it is a mix of pleasure and pain. They have so much trust in their partner that giving up all control to someone else is a pleasurable experience."

"Are you a rigger?" I turned and looked up at Kiren. I was afraid of the answer. I was afraid he would say yes.

"No, ropes are not my thing. I am lucky to tie a square knot." He said as he brought his hand up to my cheek.

His thumb gently caressed my lips. I wanted to take his thumb into my mouth. But instead, I asked, "Then what is it you like to do?"

“Well, Princess, I thought you would never ask."

Chapter 12

I Want You to

Want Me

Istared at Kiren, waiting for the answer. But he just stared at me like he was assessing me. "What is it?" I asked, finally too curious not to ask.

"You're just so beautiful. I am unsure how well you will handle this, and I hope you handle it well. I want you to want me." His eyes were so sincere; the look he gave me almost melted my heart. I was not doing well staying clear of my pseudo-stalker. In fact, I want to keep getting closer and closer to him.

"Flattery will get you everywhere." Kiren's thumb was still on my lips, so I used my tongue to wet my lips and his tongue in the process. Spending just a bit more time than needed on his thumb.

“Well, Princess, are you flirting with me?" He leaned down with his lips so close to mine. I focused on his lips, how gentle they looked, how good they would taste, and then I leaned up and kissed him. It took only a nanosecond for Kiren to embrace me and pull me tighter. Our tongues explored each other's mouths, and our teeth nipped on the lips of the other. I felt Kiren's erection begin to harden, making me feel more powerful. I reached up, held his head to me, and ground into him, so he knew I was aware of what was hardening between us.

It was Kiren who pulled away. “Now, Princess, we have much more to explore and learn. Then you can explore me all you want." Then he grabbed my hand, and we started to walk down the hall.

At the end of the hall, a few people were watching the activities in the room nearby. One couple openly fondled each other as they watched what was happening behind the glass. Another woman was nearby, but she seemed busy watching and rubbing herself. Once we were near, I could see what everyone was watching.

The scene was something that I would watch when I had multiples at the condo. Five people were enjoying each other's company on a couch in the center of the room. There were three females and two males. Not only were the actions that these five were taking core clenching to watch it was like watching a live masterpiece being created.

At one end of the couch, a female crouched over the head of a female lying down on the couch. The one lying down on the couch had one of the men between her legs pounding into her. The other female was standing in front of that male with one of her legs resting on his should while he licked and pleasured her clit. The last male was back at the woman squatting over the other woman. He was getting his dick sucked in what appeared to be a well-received manner.

Just watching this brought me pleasure, like when I was at work. The only difference was that I was not at work, so there was nothing except myself to hold me back. I was too early in the evening to be burning with need this bad. So I began to softly caress Kiren's hand with my thumb though I did not realize I was doing this at first. I only realized when Kiren looked at me, and the hunger in his eyes was greater than any I have ever seen in a man or a woman. And I knew that hunger was for me.

"Is this what interests you?" I asked while holding eye contact. I needed to know if this was a game or something more. I needed to know if I was going to get hurt.

"To be honest, Princess, many things here interest me. But nothing here interests me as much as you." His lips were on me in an instant. Claiming, demanding that I give him the attention he so desperately wanted. It was then that I let go. I didn't care where, but we needed to go somewhere. I was a good girl long enough, and I needed him desperately.

I pulled back slightly, Just far enough to whisper, "Where can we go?" Kiren won, and he knew this place. He would find us a place to go.

"I have a spot for us. But we need to finish the tour first." At this point, he kissed me along my neck, and I was near combustion. I knew that I had always intended to give in to this man. I knew it from the first night I watched him from my chaise. I would allow him total control, and I wanted to do that right now.

"So what's next on our tour then?" I asked as I pulled away if we had to finish the tour before I could be alone with him and then finish the tour we would.

"The second floor," Kiren said as he directed me toward the stairs at the end of the corridor. These stairs were not as grand as the ones in the entrance but were beautiful in their own right. They appeared to be black wrought iron and spiraled to the second floor.

The second-floor corridor was a bit brighter than the first floor and I noticed immediately that the walls were not glass. "What happens up here?"

"This is where our private sessions occur and classes are held. The rooms up here are all occupied tonight, or I would show you one, but each room is large enough to hold a king-size bed, a large couch, and a minibar and still allow for some open space for activities."

"Private sessions? Classes? I thought this was a club, not an academy." I asked as we walked down the corridor. One thing I noticed more in this corridor than in the last was what appeared to be security guards. "Are those security guards?" They were all dressed in black suits and resembled the cast of Men in Black.

“Yes, those are our paid security detail. You see, not everyone is always honest with who they are, and though we have a zero-tolerance non-consent policy, we run into troublemakers occasionally. These guys essentially take out the trash." I nodded in agreement and could see how security would be needed. Hell, Jennifer and I have our security detail back at the condo, so I know how needed they are.