Page 8 of She Who Watches

I piled my hear into a messy bun that only took thirty minutes to perfect. My makeup was light, and my jewelry was simple. I had a silver cuff bracelet and a pair of silver stud earrings. As for the other request, I ignored it. The black lace panties I wore were not much, but they were on me. It was a little presumptuous that he thought he would find out if I were wearing underwear, but at the same time, I hoped he did.

I had texted him my address at 4, just as promised. At 5 pm, I grabbed a light black cardigan on the way out of my apartment. I was supposed to meet Kiren out front of my building. When I walked out of the building, I was surprised to find Kiren standing next to another man wearing a black suit, holding the back door to a black limo.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up and appraised me, and a big smile crossed his face. He liked what he saw. I also enjoyed the view from where I was standing. This beautiful man wore a well-fitted suit with a thin black tie. He didn't shave, and the scruff on his face added to the sex appeal.

As I neared, he held out his hand, and I placed mine in his. He raised my hand to his lips and kissed me gently, never taking his eyes off me. "You are gorgeous," he said, motioning me into the limo. "It will take all of my willpower to control myself."

His words made me blush, but I wasn't ready to tell him I would give in to him yet. "Careful, or I'll have Daddy come chaperone us," I said as I positioned myself next to the opposite door, adjusting my skirt to cover my thighs.

"That's fine. You know I don't mind if others watch." He said as he sat next to me. "Did you follow all of the directions?" He asked as he placed his hand on my thigh.

I gently placed my hand on his stopping his progress of moving my skirt up to see if I had left a particular article of clothing at home. "Nope, I decided not to follow that directive. If you were well-behaved, they could be easily removed later." At first, he looked hurt, but then his eyes lit with mischief. I could almost hear him mentally saying challenge accepted.

"You do not like to submit much, do you? Have trouble taking orders?" He looked at me intently, like my answer would illuminate who I was.

I thought about the answer. I always followed orders well but hated being told what to do. "Depends on why the orders are given. If the orders make sense and are given for a reason, like work or an assignment, I have no issue following them. But if the orders are ridiculous or just to be given, like telling someone not to wear underwear, then yes, I have an issue with following them." I knew he wouldn't like what I said, but I also knew that I was not the one if he wanted a meek, submissive woman. "So, where are we going tonight?"

"Let's just say it's dinner and entertainment." The smirk he gave me let me know I was in for one hell of a night.

Chapter 10

Wicked Games

"So seriously, what will we be doing for dinner?" I was starving, but I didn't want to tell him that. I was so nervous about the date that I forgot to eat anything significant.

"I have reservations for us at Table 2. I figured after pancakes and sausage at Denny's last night, it was safe to assume you are a carnivore." Table 2 was the premier restaurant in the city. They served just 20 couples a night, and word on the street was that reservations were made a year in advance. Not to mention that the cost was about $500 a person. The menu was either meat or vegan, and the chef never told you what the menu was. My shock must have been apparent because Kiren laughed. "I have connections. I am more than just a beautiful body and a madman in bed."

"I don't know if I would call you a madman. I mean, I have seen you in action." I couldn't help the sarcasm. I figured I would pay for that comment but I couldn't help myself.

"Oh, you don't know? I feel like you're playing me. But don't worry. Soon enough, you will call me all things, and madman will be one of them." His voice was low and sultry. He leaned close to me, his lips near my ear. His warm breath caused chills to run through my body. I straightened my spine and crossed my legs tightly, ignoring the feelings.

The limo pulled up to Table 2, and the driver opened the door for Kiren and me. We walked into the restaurant and were immediately greeted by the host. "Mr. Black, It's so nice to see you again. Would you like to have your normal table?"

"Yes, thank you, Alfred. That would be perfect. Please meet my friend Edith, and she is joining me tonight. I notified Chef she would be coming with me to ensure he had enough." Kiren said as he placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me through the restaurant behind Alfred.

"Yes, Chef did inform us that you were bringing a friend. It is very nice to meet you, Edith," Alfred said as he pulled my chair out for me to sit at a table tucked into the corner. I smiled and sat, not knowing what to do. This interaction threw me. The pieces of a puzzle I was attempting to put together in my mind. Who was Kiren? How did he have enough sway to get us reservations at Table 2 on such short notice?

Lost in my thoughts, I missed the conversation between Alfred and Kiren. Once I was finally paying attention, Kiren squeezed Alfred's shoulder before sitting down at the table with me.

"Have you ever had dinner here?" he asked as he took the bottle of wine from the ice bucket and began to pour our glasses.

"Ah, no. I would never have been able to get reservations at a restaurant like this." I gestured to the room. Like the name, every table had just enough space for two people. The restaurant felt like a replica of a speakeasy from the 1920s, with metal, wood, and leather being the primary textures throughout the space.

"Well, tonight, you are to be spoiled." He reached across the table and took my hands in his.

"If you say so," I said, looking up at the waiter who came to our table to place the first course.

Dinner was delicious, as one would hope for the cost of the meal. Kiren was easy to talk to, and I enjoyed our discussions. We discussed books, music, and even some TV programs we enjoyed.

"So you know what I do for a living. What is it that you do?" I was curious about how he could afford this meal.

"Let's not talk about me right now. We are here to have a great time?" Interesting. He does not want to talk about himself. Maybe he is in the witness protection program, or he places people in the program.

"So you're in the mob or are part of the cartel?" I hoped he would ease my concern about those two.

"Absolutely nothing as nefarious as that," he laughed. "So, are you ready for the rest of the evening?"

"I had to ask about the mob. You never know these days." I smiled, still worried about what the answer may be. "What will we be doing for the rest of the evening?"