Page 7 of She Who Watches

And if I did try this out, how could a relationship work with my job? I was not yet ready to give that up.

Chapter 9

Here's To Us

My phone had been silent all evening, so once I got home, I looked at it and saw that I already had three missed texts from Kiren.

Kiren: Do you miss me yet?

Kiren: We should go out and spend some time together without Dad.

Kiren: Do you think you can sneak out of the house tonight?

I smiled to myself, then set the phone on the counter. Once I was finished getting ready for the evening, I grabbed my phone and went to lie on my couch with my fuzzy blanket, a hot cup of tea, and a book. I viewed the texts from Kiren over and over again before I decided to reply.

Me: Not tonight. But tomorrow I am free. What are you thinking?

I sat there staring at the phone, waiting for the bubble to show that he was typing. Finally, after a minute, I realized what I was doing, sat my phone down, picked up my book, and started reading. I didn't need this uncertainty in my life. I didn't want to wait around a phone and wonder if he would text me back.

When my text tone finally went off, I dropped the book and grabbed the phone.

Kiren: No, Dad?

I laughed and thought he'd shit if I said I would bring James again.

Me: No, Dad. Just the two of us. What are you thinking?

I was curious about what he would come up with for our night out. Denny's and a movie were not my dream date, but it turned out well for a quick decision. What I wanted to explore most was those last few minutes outside the movie theater. I wanted to feel his hands on me, the noises he would make when I finally had my way with him. One perk about my job was viewing all kinds of things and seeing how people reacted to them.

Kiren: How about I give you a dress code? You follow it. And leave the rest up to me.

Me: A dress code? Do I appear to be the type of person that takes orders blindly?

Kiren: I want you in a short dress, preferably black. No heels. And I want your hair up.

I was picking out my outfit in my mind as I was reading the text. I liked where this was going, but I still needed to figure out exactly where that was.

Kiren: One more thing...

Me: What is that?

Kiren: Make sure you leave your panties at home. I don't want anything getting in my way.

That last text lit a fire I loved but hated to feel, but I would not give in that easily.

Me: We will see. Where shall I meet you?

Kiren: Oh no, that won't work. I'll be picking you up, so I will need an address.

Me: What time?

Kiren: 5 pm

Me: I will text you my address at 4 pm. Good night

I then placed my phone in focus mode and returned to reading my book.

The next afternoon I took my time getting ready. The black dress I chose had a tight bodice that was low cut with a shear fabric covering the rest of my chest's exposed flesh. One thing Kiren would learn about me was that heels were not a choice most of the time. Flats were my thing, so demanding that I wear flats did nothing but make me happy. I chose black ballet flats with a sheer black ribbon that wrapped up my calf before I tied the ribbon into a bow.