Page 6 of She Who Watches

"Well, now we are not. Now you are taking James and I to Denny's for pancakes, and then the three of us are going to The Regent to watch Top Gun." So I said as I walked to the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans. I stood facing the closet, kicked my silver flats on, removed my leather pants, and started putting the jeans on.

"Are you sure that is what you want to do?" I heard Kiren say from across the room. I could feel his eyes staring at my ass as I undressed.

"Absolutely," I said as I turned around and smiled at him.

"Can I ask who James is?" He was finally putting his clothes on. At first, I didn't respond because I was once again enjoying watching his body move.

"My security detail. You wanted to get to know me, so I am allowing that my way. Do you want to use the restroom? I figured you may want to clean up a little?"

"That would be amazing, love," Kiren said, and I motioned him to the bathroom door.

Fifteen minutes later, Kiren and I walked out of the condo to meet James. I had no clue what I was doing, but I also figured it was worth a shot. Maybe Mr. Twisted wasn't horrible, and maybe I could have fun.

"So what's the plan since you hijacked my evening," Kiren asked as he grabbed my hand on the elevator. It felt natural for his fingers to be entwined with mine.

"Well, James is going to meet us outside. We will go to Denny's and the movies. I thought I already told you this." I knew what he was getting at here, but I wanted to make him spell it out.

"I got that. But James, will he spend the whole night with us?"

"Well, seeing as we will not be spending the whole night together, I don't see how James can spend the night with us. But he is going to dinner and the movies with us."

"Damn it, Edith, you know what I mean. Will he be sitting at the table eating dinner with us?" I had to laugh because I had aimed to get him riled up, and it worked.

"Yes. Think of James as our escort for the evening. He will go where ever we go. He will sit with us at the table and eat pancakes. He will sit with us at the theater, drop you off once the night ends, and then take me home." He didn't seem agitated, but I would know my answer if he became that way.

"Well, I haven't had a chaperone for a date since I was thirteen. But we all do things we don't want to get the things we need." His words surprised me, but before I could ask what he meant regarding things we needed, James was holding the back door to the sedan open.

Throughout dinner and the movie Kiren was the perfect gentleman. Not only was he kind and respectful to me, but he was also that way to James. I could have sworn the two of them swapped numbers while I went to the restroom after they had a lengthy discussion about some sports team that did not interest me.

"Wow, that movie always gets me going," James said as we left the theater. "You kids, wait here, and I will go get the car and bring it around," James said as he walked off.

I started to follow him, but Kiren grabbed my wrist and held me back. The minute James was out of view, Kiren had me against the theater wall, his body pressed close to mine.

"You know, I like Dad, but I want some time with you," he said as he raised his hand and placed his palm against my cheek. "I don't think Dad will let me know where you live, so when do I get to see you again?" His breath was hot against my ear, and his thigh was pressed tightly between my legs. He was teasing me with the friction the movement of his leg caused.

"Maybe I should have you set up another personal session." He laughed softly in my ear and nipped my ear lobe. Although, if James didn't get the car around here soon, he would find out where I live tonight. I had some willpower, but this was asking too much.

"If I must, I will book every night for a week to have you to myself." Then he slowly licked the sensitive skin below my ear. My legs began to feel like rubber, and I heard the honk. With a groan, Kiren stepped back from me.

"That must be James," I said, just a little breathy and still stuck to the wall. I must admit I was disappointed that James had shown up already. I liked the feelings that Kiren caused, but I didn't like not knowing what to do.

"Dad has impeccable timing," Kiren said as he grabbed my hand and walked toward the sedan. He opened the back door like a perfect gentleman and helped me into the car before getting in himself.

"Any change in plans," James asked once we were in the car and moving. I knew what he was asking. Kiren had me against the wall. He knew that we had a fantastic night. Hell, he was probably ready to take Kiren home himself. But I was not ready to jump in yet. If this were just about sex, I would say let's go for it. But it did not feel like it was about sex. So I felt we needed to do a little more to get to know each other.

"No change in plans." I held my hand out to Kiren, who looked utterly devastated. "Give me your phone." He looked at me for a few seconds, pulled his phone out of his pocket, and handed it over. Thankfully it was an iPhone. That meant I knew how to use it and confirmed that we were a little more compatible. I took the phone and texted myself to have the number, then programmed my name.

When James arrived at the condo, Kiren leaned in and gave me a chaste kiss. "Text me when you get home. I want to ensure Dad doesn't do bad things to you."

"Shut it," James said from the driver's seat, "or the next time I see you, I'll mess up that pretty little face."

"I think Dad likes me," Kiren said. Then he closed the door to the car and tapped the window right before we took off. I sat back in the seat with my head back, replaying events throughout the night. The feelings that Kiren elicited in my body. I continue to think about what I have seen him do and what I want him to do to me.

"So what are you going to do, Edith?" I could see James' eyes in the rearview as he looked back at me.

"What do you think? Is this one a keeper, or do I throw him back?" James loved the outdoors, and I thought he'd appreciate the fishing reference.

"Oh, I think he's a keeper. He wants more from you than sex, so you must be ready for that." I groaned and closed my eyes. That was the problem. I would have sworn that I would not want to have a relationship yesterday. But now I wonder what a relationship would be like, or at least a relationship with Kiren.