Page 4 of She Who Watches

"Sorry, I have more work to do tonight. Maybe some other time." It took all restraint I had to say that and not do what my body wanted me to do.

"I think you will find that your next client, the one set to arrive at 10, is already here." The smile that he had at that moment was borderline psychopathic. This man may be psychopathic if he has arranged all of this.

"Why? Why are you doing this? You were here last night. And again tonight, not to mention the club. Have you been stalking me?" I didn't want to know the answer, but I had to ask.

"I wasn't. But that doesn't mean I am not going to start. Last night and this session, and the club, were all coincidences. But the rest of the evening. That was all because I wanted to ensure I had all the time I needed with you." How were we having this conversation? He was still hard and occasionally tugging on his length, and I kept catching my eyes drifting down to watch. And he caught me. "Let's talk about that later. I have this room until this session ends and then again at 10. You can either play along or sit there and watch."

Chapter 6

Friday, I'm In Love

"What exactly do you mean by play?" I was more than curious. Part of me wanted to play, part of me wanted to do so much more, and yet another part wanted to walk out of this room and leave him lying on the bed alone.

"I think you and I need to get to know each other. So we are going to play a game. We will ask questions of each other. Whoever answers will answer with a truth and a lie. Then the other guesses what the lie is. If we guess wrong, then we get to go again." I can handle this.

"Well, you have about an hour, so you might as well start." I saw the surprise in his eyes, and then he realized that this session ended at nine.

"Ok, I will go first then. What is your perfect date?" He had changed positions deciding to lay on his stomach facing me with his head supported on his hands. I never went on dates, so I needed to figure out how to answer the truth part of this. So finally, I decided on something cliche that I would enjoy.

"Well, truth or lie, the first part of the date would have to involve food. After dinner, I want to go to a hockey game or a loud rock concert." He eyed me for a few minutes thinking through my reply before he called out what he believed to be my lie.

"Hockey game is the lie." he smiled at me. "I have not known you for 24 hours yet, but I have seen nothing to indicate that you are a sports fan. A woman who would choose to go to a hockey game on a first date would be the kind of woman that would bleed for her team. However, you don't appear that way. Plus, last night, I found you at Ecstasy. And that is a club known for its metal." I was impressed with his reasoning, so I just smiled and nodded.

"How very observant of you." I said in the flattest; I am bored with you, voice I could muster. "tell me how many women you have stalked over the years." He laughed at that, and I must admit his laughter was amazing.

Once he was finished laughing, he smiled at me and then winked. Next, he started tapping his fingers and mumbling numbers to himself, and finally, he spoke up and said, "zero or one."

His answer surprised me, but I schooled my face. "zero is the lie."

"Oh, it would have been the lie before last night, but I have decided to stalk you if necessary. I want your attention, and I want you under me. And once I decide what I want, I get it." And I had to admit that there is a demented, twisted, sick part of me that was turned on by that confession, and that part of me wanted to play this game.

"What if I don't want to be under you?" One of these days, maybe, but I decided here and now to make Mr. Twisted work to get what he wants.

"Oh, you know that is exactly what you want. Though it may be true, you may rather be on top. But I know you want me. I felt that between your legs last night. And I would feel that want between your legs again tonight if you allowed me to touch. However, I can understand why you may be afraid to admit it to yourself. But don't worry. It will happen. I promise you that. And when it does, I will make you feel pleasure like you have never imagined. I will shatter you into a million pieces, then pick you up and do it again." I didn't know what to say after that. So I sat there a minute, collecting my thoughts before proceeding with our game.

"Other than being a voyeur, what other kinks make you come." Oh, he is going there. Guess maybe I should tell him the truth.

"I have never experienced kinks before, to be honest. But you also deserve an answer so you can guess which one I think about trying the most. Praise kink or Impact play." The truth was that while I have had multiple partners and multiple one-night stands, I have not been with anyone whom I felt like exploring that side of my sexuality with.

"I want to say that I hate hearing that. But I will admit I like the idea of being the one to introduce you to some kink. You look like a woman who would enjoy many kinks if properly introduced, and now I know I need to do that for you. But I will say for you that praise kink is a lie. You are too strong and independent to want or need praise. But I believe you would enjoy me slapping that ass of yours. Slapping it once to bring the blood to the surface, then smooth the sting with a rub until I slap it again, causing you to cry out in pure bliss." And damn if he wasn't right. Time to cross my legs again.

"What is your name?" That is something I have yet to learn and probably should know. Then, if he attacks me in a dark alley, I can let the police know who it is. Though I am sure I won't be stupid enough to walk in a dark alley, and if I were, I probably wouldn't make it to the police to tell them anything.

"Figured this one was coming. Kiren or Kelly? Which is the lie?" I didn't feel like either of these was the truth, but if he made the rules, I could only hope he would follow them.

"Kelly is the lie." I had no idea this was true, but I had to pick something. He would try to trip me up and probably think that I would pick the second name given, so he made sure he gave me the real name first.

"Very good," Kiren said. The game continued back and forth for some time. I learned that he preferred cats to dogs, which I thought was strange. He also worked as an executive though I never did ask for what. He was unmarried, had no children, and loved to go to the theater to watch movies, including old, re-released movies. Then the buzzer chimed.

"Well, time is up," I said as I got up and headed for the bathroom that was off from the playroom.

"No, it isn't. I have you until midnight." Kiren said as he walked over to where I was standing.

"What do you mean you have me till midnight?"

"I wanted more time with you, Edith, so I booked you until midnight. That was my first stalker action." Kiren said with a wink.

"Then I guess you do have me till midnight. But that time starts at 10 pm. It is 9, which is when this session was scheduled to end. It looks like I have an hour's break. I will see you back at 10." I walked into the bathroom and shut and locked the door behind me. I stood there waiting for him to try and open the door, but he never did.