Page 3 of She Who Watches

"Oh, What? Sorry, I didn't hear you when you came in. I was getting to the good part." Jennifer said as she raised her eyebrows to emphasize the good part.

"I asked if you had fun last night?" I said, laughing at how ridiculous she looked when she did that.

"Eh. He was fun for a while, but I went home alone. He started to talk about how many kids he wanted and what he wanted in a wife, and I was out." She rolled her eyes so hard I could have sworn I heard them hit the back of her head. Jennifer and I were alike regarding the plans of husbands and families. Neither of us was in a hurry to settle down, get married, and have kids. I was ok with it never happening at this point in my life, but I was also wise enough to know never to say never. "So, what do you have tonight?"

"I have two sessions. The first is a party of three, and the second is a couple. The party of three has asked to start at 6:30 but for me to enter at 7. So they should end at 9. My couple won't come until ten and are scheduled until 1 am."

"That sounds kinky. Do you often get requests like that? Coming in late?" Jennifer was interested now. I could tell because she bookmarked her place and sat the book down in front of her.

"Not normally. But I have had it once in a while. Usually, it is requested by people who need to get things started before I come into play. They fear they may have issues initiating if I am there watching from the beginning. However, this is my first time with them requesting it with a party of three. Usually, when I have more than two clients in a room, normally they don't have trouble initiating, but it's fine with me. They are paying for my time either way." I sat down at the table with a cup of coffee.

I wanted to tell Jennifer about the club last night so badly, but I decided to hold off. He was a client first, making this a little tricky for me. Clients were usually off-limits. That was a personal rule, not one set by Marilyn. Many of her girls return to clients later out of their desire. But I have never done that, and I don't want to go breaking that rule now. Though I kind of already did last night.

"How about you? What is your evening looking like?" Before I blurted out my thoughts, I needed to get the topic off of me, which was him and had been him since I left here last evening.

"Tonight is a money maker for me. John is my security, so we will be back around 10 am tomorrow." Money Maker is what Jenn and I started calling her overnights. She was booked with a single person all night, and it was an off-sight overnight. She usually brought home about two grand on a money maker.

"New client or a repeat?" Jennifer had a couple of repeat clients that took her overnights. Some senators, local government officials, and a few business people were just a few.

"Repeat. It's Mr. Orange tonight." We never use real names when discussing clients. Even between ourselves. We always use some code name, and Mr. Orange was called this because when he first started setting time up with Jennifer, he had a terrible habit of obtaining spray tans and always appeared orange in color. She told me that after one of their evenings together, she brought up tanning beds and how she hated when people became too tan because she felt it hid their natural glow and beauty. It worked because there were no more spray tans after that.

"That's good. You know I worry when you have new ones", and I did. Jennifer was like a sister as much as she was my friend. And no matter how used to this life, things happen, and we must be careful.

"Don't worry, you know I will," Jennifer said as she got up and walked over to me. She kissed me on my head. "You be careful with that menage. You may end up letting loose tonight."

"Not gonna happen," I said as I smiled at her. After last night I would be good for a few nights. It will take a good bit to get me strung that tight that I would give in during a session.

"Never say never," Jennifer called as she left the condo's kitchen. At that, I laid my head on the table and sat there for a moment. Never say never is also what Jennifer always says when I say I would never get involved with a client.

I remained in the kitchen until it was time to get to work. Usually, I would be waiting for my clients in my room. But tonight, I would enter at a later time. James would tell them upfront to stay off of my chaise. I would hate to interrupt them to make them move off my perch, but I would. Most people were drawn to the bed. It was a metal four-poster bed that was made for kink.

The metal was the color of rubbed oiled bronze, and unlike the four poster beds you read about in fairy tales, this entire bed was made of metal and was strong enough for suspensions and hanging slings at all points. The metal tubes that made up the posts also formed a canopy, creating a grid at the top with attachment points at each intersection. There were also attachment points along the headboard, where the food board would be, and along the sides of the bed. We ordered it from a company specializing in beds for those who preferred sex on the kinker side. Marilyn and I decided to get their most extensive and exquisite bed to accommodate all clients. We also used only the crispest white sheets and thin white comforters. The contrast was startling and gorgeous. But it also assured the clients that we were clean because nothing was hidden with white sheets.

So while I waited, I did my best to distract myself from last night's encounter, which was a total failure. There was just something about that man that made me wet, and I couldn't help it. So I stared at the clock on the wall waiting for seven o'clock to come so I could get this evening over with and go home and take care of myself yet again.

Chapter 5

Do Not Disturb

The party of three was underway when I walked into the bedroom. I glanced at the bed momentarily and noticed that one male was lying on the bed stroking himself, his head buried in the vagina of the woman sitting on his face. She was facing away from the door, but I could tell by the movement of her head and the look of pleasure on the man standing before her that she was doing an excellent job sucking his cock. I made it to my chaise and started the session by sitting in the corner of the high side. These three would make it challenging to keep my fingers to myself tonight.

After a while, the trio decided to change positions. The male on the bottom continued to stroke himself slowly and steadily as she raised off his face. She moved down the length of his body before turning, positioning herself on all fours. The male that was fucking her mouth just moments before positioned himself behind her and thrust into her so that I even jerked a little. She released a sound that bordered on the cry of pleasure and pain. She then took that other guy's cock in her mouth and took the entire length of him, and held it there. I was starting to wonder if she could breathe because I was sure he had to be blocking her airway. After a few moments, the guy railing her from behind reached down, grabbed her by the hair, and started to bring her head up before shoving her back down. This time she gaged, and I could see the tears start to slip from the corner of her eyes.

The woman began to work the cock with her mouth. She would switch between sucking and licking. She would tuck the cock under her neck and lick his balls or at least the parts she could reach. I could tell he liked how she was working him because now and then, his body would jerk the way one's body does when it is receiving immense pleasure. Finally, the male punishing her from behind slowed his assault and reached around, grabbing her breasts and pulling her off the other man's cock and her back against his. Once she was completely against his chest, he dropped one hand and began to work her clit as he continued to sensually stroke her from the side of her breast and down to her abdomen with the tips of his fingers.

She was close to orgasm. I had learned to see the signs over the years, and she was so close. Her pupils were dilated, her respirations increased, and I could see her heart rate was rapid by the pulsing of her jugular vein. I shifted in my seat, waiting patiently for her to find her release. Suddenly I thought back to last night and that earth-shattering orgasm I had at the club. I was brought back to the scene before me when she screamed. I looked to see that man open his mouth and bite down on her neck as if he were Dracula. I was freaked out the first time I saw something like this happen. But I learned that the increase in pain on top of the pleasure would often bring women to a second orgasm; in her case, that was true. Her body began to convulse again, and he covered her mouth when she began to scream.

As soon as she seemed to collect herself, she stood up and turned around. She raised one leg over her partner's shoulder and shoved her pussy into his face. He licked and sucked, and I saw the juices dripping off his chin. Eventually, he tapped her thigh, and she lowered her leg and walked to the bed's headboard. While waiting for her partners to adjust, she reached down and began playing with herself. She was gorgeous, and she knew exactly what she liked because, within seconds, she had herself orgasming again while her partners and I watched. The one male continued to work himself, not moving from his original position, while the other man went to her. She then raised her arms and grabbed the beams across the bed's canopy.

He grabbed and lifted her by the ass, settling her on his cock. Then, as she supported herself from above, he rammed into her again, and it was so hot to see these two together. They had chemistry and knew what the other wanted. Watching the two of them was so sexually intoxicating that I didn't realize the other man had finally changed positions. That he was now kneeling on the bed, stroking himself. It wasn't until I felt the eyes on me that I realized this and that it was him.

I was surprised and realized I had let that emotion show on my face because he smiled at me and winked as he continued to work his length.

As I watched him play with himself, I reached down, grabbed one of my breasts, and squeezed. I could handle over the clothes because even Mother Theresa would not be able to sit here and watch this man and remain pious. I could tell from the look on his face that he knew that just the mere sight of him caused me to soak my underwear. However, when I felt the surge of pleasure from my hand gliding across my fully covered clit I realized what I was doing and stopped. I quickly crossed my legs and grabbed onto the back of the chaise. I watched him pull on his cock for at least a minute or two before I looked up and into his eyes. He got off on me watching him; that much was true. But what surprised me was that I liked watching him. I sat there imagining how he could torture me with his cock. And how much I truly desired to feel him fill me up.

At some point, the other two must have finished because it wasn't until they walked in front of me to leave that I remembered they were still in the room with us. The moment they were out the door, I was free until 10 pm, and I knew very much how I wanted to spend my time between now and then, but I also knew better than to act on that desire.

"Are you ready to be part of the action and not the witness?" he asked me from the bed.