Nowthatis the first reasonable thing she’s said all day. “That could make sense. They’d have access to everything Monty did, and the motive for revenge.”

“You really think the person doing all this insane shit is the employee of some rich family?” Cam asks cynically.

“If it were any other rich family, I’d say no,” Mali explains. “But Jeremiah only hires people with bachelor’s degrees and security clearances. It doesn’t matter if you’re the head chef or the damn gardener. That man doesn’t play.”

Okay, so at least we have somewhat of a potential lead.

Cam throws out the idea of Lucas because of his never-ending thing for me, but we quickly rule him out. If it were him, he would’ve made Hayes leave so he could have me to himself, or just had him thrown in prison.

“What about Isaac?” I suggest.

Judging by their faces, they all agree it’s possible, but there’s just one problem.

“He’s probably the most likely suspect, but none of us have seen him in years,” Cam tells me. “As far as I know, he’s still in bumfuck nowhere, playing hockey.”

Okay, fair enough. But me suggesting Isaac is enough to bring up his brother.

“Craig?” Hayes turns to me. “Have you heard from him at all?”

I snort. “Evenyouweren’t able to contact me. You think Craig was? That I made an exception forhim?”

He chuckles and admits defeat. “Good point.”

As we try to think of anyone us who could be targeting us, a car alarm cuts through the silence as it goes off outside. We all share a look before rushing out the door. It’s a neighbor’s car, but as the lights flash with the alarm, they shine on where our cars are parked.

“Cam, turn on the outside light,” Hayes tells him.

He goes over and reaches inside the door, flicking the light on, and that’s when we’re able to see it.

There’s a different word spray painted on each one of our cars.

Mali’s says TRAITOR.

Mine is SELLOUT.

Hayes’s got LIAR.

But Cam’s is the most concerning—KILLER.

“How the fuck did we not know they were right outside?” Hayes panics.

Cam sighs heavily. “I don’t know. We’re all pretty spent after today.”

It doesn’t have to be said out loud for all of us to realize that they could’ve been listening. Hearing every word we said as we tried to figure out who they are. Then again, when aren’t they?

As I stare at the new artwork on our cars, something clicks for me. “Well, we can rule out Isaac and Craig.”

“What? Why?” Hayes asks.

I nod toward the cars. “They don’t know which is yours and which is Cam’s. Look. They put liar on your truck and killer on Cam’s Jeep.”

Everything suddenly gets tense as Cam glares at Hayes. “You haven’t fucking told her yet?”

“Told me what?”

Hayes sighs. “No, because there’s no fucking point!”

“Okay, why don’t we bring this back inside before your neighbors get a show and tell they never asked for,” Mali suggests.