He and Monty share pleasantries before he tells us that he’s assigned his best waiter and the head chef to our table, and to let him know if anything isn’t mouthwatering perfection. We all thank him and as soon as he walks away, Monty’s brows raise.

“So, you two got married?” he asks, taking a sip of his water.

I nod, taking Laiken’s hand in my own and resting them on the table. “About a week ago. I’m surprised neither of them mentioned it.”

The grin on his face is far from genuine. “I’m a little offended I wasn’t invited.”

“No one was, really,” Laiken answers. “Just family.”

“I assume Mali was there.”

“Like she said, family,” I repeat. “Maliisfamily.”

This guy has a lot of nerve, thinking that because he played a part in saving Cam—which I’ve concluded was more because of his father’s connections than it was his—that he deserved to be included in such an intimate moment. If the guys from the team weren’t invited, there’s no way in hell he would be.

“Well, that’s great news,” he chokes out. Raising his glass, he nods at us. “Cheers to the happy couple.”

I smirk as I clink my glass against his. Laiken looks confused as I subtly drop her hand, but she shouldn’t be. She’s told everyone who will listen that we got married. Even the cashier in the grocery store heard all about it. But it just so happens that the one friend of hers who played a part in our breakupdidn’t?

Try again.

But for now, I drink my water out of the champagne glass like I belong in this glorified diner.

Shit dipped in gold and overpriced is still just shit.

I STAND AT THErailing that overlooks the dancefloor, watching Laiken and Mali have the time of their lives. They move to the beat and spin around with wide smiles stretched across their faces. There’s nothing I love more than seeing Lai just like this—when she’s so happy it’s infectious.

“She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” Monty says as he steps up beside me.

“I don’t know, man. I’ve never looked at Mali that way.”

He takes a sip of his beer. “I wasn’t talking about Mali.”

Son of a bitch.“Keep your eyes off my goddamn wife.”

“Or what?” he sneers. “You’ll sick big brother on me? Don’t want to do that. There’s still a cell in Neuse Correctional with his name on it.”

“You think I won’t do my own dirty work? That I won’t enjoy slamming your face repeatedly against the curb? You’re not the only one with connections, Rollins. I’ll strangle you and make it look like you fucked off to an island somewhere with a man named Ramon.”

He doesn’t look the least bit scared as he smirks. “Careful,H. Look at her. She’s happy. You don’t want to be the one to ruin that, do you?”

I scoff. “Fuck off. You act like you’re all big and powerful, but you’re nothing but a little boy with entitlement issues because your parents never paid enough attention to you as a child.” I turn to face him, looking down because of our height difference. “I know you’re friends with Isaac, or at least you were. Owen told me. It’s funny, because you never once mentioned even knowing him while we were dealing with Cam’s case.”

“I met him at Laiken and Mali’s birthday party,” he says simply.

Nice try, Moneybags.“Isaac wasn’tatLaiken’s birthday party. Might want to work on rehearsing those lies a little more. Wouldn’t want you getting tripped up when it matters most.”

His confident demeanor slips. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“ItmeansI’m coming for you,” I tell him. “I’m going to figure out everything there is to know about you. Your secrets. Your lies. Your wrongdoings. And if I find out you’re fucking with the lives of people I care about, I will make destroying you my top priority. Even daddy dearest won’t be able to save you from me.”

He still tries to maintain his cocky attitude, but I notice how he swallows harshly. “Are you sure you want to do that? I am not a good enemy to have.”

“You started this the moment you decided to try to steal her away from me. Put your name right on the top of my shitlist and underlined it in red. You may be the senator’s son, butno onefucks with my family. What did you think? That Isaac justchoseto leave?”

I smirk, winking at him as I step back.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to go dance with mywife. It gets her all hot and bothered when she grinds her ass against me.”