Isaac fakes innocence. “What? She isn’t off limits anymore.”

“Want to fucking bet?” I growl.

With every word he speaks, my rage intensifies. I try to move closer to him but Laiken puts her hands on my chest. Isaac smirks as he gets the exact reaction he was looking for.

Cam stares at Laiken. “Can you please go?”

She nods, knowing the last thing either of them want is for Isaac and me to go at it. With my hand on her lower back, we step off the ice and go over to the women’s locker room.

“I’ll see you later?” I ask, twirling her hair around my finger.


Her arms wrap around my neck as she pulls me in. Our mouths meet in the middle, and we kiss like any normal couple would as they say goodbye. Except, ours may last a little bit longer.

“I love you,” I tell her as I take a step back.

She smiles. “I love you, too.”

I go to head back over to the rink, but halfway there, I turn around to kiss her once more. She giggles into it, but the moment is ruined when Owen yellsget a roomloud enough for the whole rink to hear. And I don’t miss the way Lucas glares at me.

Well, at least Cam has some company in the Hating Hayes department.

IT’S HALFWAY THROUGH PRACTICEwhen I finally get my revenge on Isaac for his comments earlier. We’re separated into two groups, and we’re supposed to be passing the puck to each other. It’s a basic drill that we do every practice, and they always go without injury…until today.

The fact that Isaac doesn’t wear a cup is no secret. Coach has been on him about it for years, but the idiot claims his dick is too big for them. Cue massive eye roll. Owen fucked a girl Isaac used to date and said she was so tight, he almost couldn’t get it in. But that’s beside the point.

He stands across from me, not paying as much attention as he definitely should be, and I line the puck up with my stick. The second I send it soaring through the air, I hear Owen’s breath hitch. And then it hits its target dead on.

A high-pitched noise emits from Isaac’s mouth as he falls to the ice and curls into a ball. Coach pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head, while Aiden watches Isaac thoughtfully from beside Cam.

“You better hope that never happens to Hayes, or there will be no nieces or nephews in your future,” he tells him.

Cam looks like he’s living in hell as he deadpans at Aiden. “Must you?”

Lucas tilts his head to the side, admiring the sight of Isaac mewling in pain. “Nice aim.”

And nothing can wipe the smirk off my face.

Next time, maybe he’ll think twice before hitting on my girlfriend.

“Stop moving,”I tell Hayes as I try to get the bleeding to stop.

Apparently, he thought it was a good idea to shoot a hockey puck at Isaac’s junk. Revenge for hitting on me.Fucking caveman.But he should have known Isaac would retaliate, which he did—by elbowing Hayes right in the nose as they were getting off the ice.

And I’m no doctor, but this looks broken.

“Will you just hold still?” I say exasperatedly.

He turns his head away and pushes my hands down. “No. I don’t care how much I’m bleeding. You arenotsticking tampons up my nose.”

I sigh. “Fine. Bleed out and let Isaac take credit for your murder. That’s your choice.”

His glare somehow looks more intense when it’s mixed with the slowly intensifying black and blue shade under his eyes. Before he can answer, the front door opens and closes, and his mom’s voice rings through the house.

“H?” she calls.

“In here,” I answer for him, and the look he gives me makes my eyes roll. “She would’ve found out eventually. And she’s a nurse. She can help you.”