“Fuck,” he groans. “That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

He admires it for a little longer, then walks over to turn on the shower. Steam fills the room and I straighten myself up, regaining control of my breathing and feeling him everywhere. He comes to stand in front of me, and when I look up at him, I still see that teasing look in his eyes.

“Don’t go anywhere. I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”

I LIE WITH MYhead on his chest, both of us naked and breathless after round three. I can’t even count the number of times he’s made me come tonight, but my pussy is still tingling. I don’t see it stopping any time soon. But there’s a little voice in the back of my head reminding me of our fight.

The one that says we can’t keep fucking just to avoid talking about it.

Everything has been great from the moment we got back together, but now it feels like we’re constantly fighting. Like the shit with Monty lit a fuse we can’t put out. And to be brutally and vulnerably honest, it scares me. We’ve never been like this. Even during the time we were broken up, we were miserable but we weren’t fighting.

“Are we going to be okay?” I ask, breaking the silence, and there’s no way to hide the hint of fear in my voice.

He sighs and presses a kiss into my hair. “Always. As long as the entire world knows your mine.”

“Aw, I kept you a secret and you didn’t like that?” I tease, reminding him of a time not too long ago. “Mm-hm. Tell me more, Mr. Kettle.”

His fingers dig into my side as he tickles me, and the room fills with laughter while I beg him to stop.

Yeah. We’re going to be fine.

It’stime to change tactics. After hearing the tone of Laiken’s voice last night, like she genuinely wasn’t sure if we’re going to be all right, I realized I’ve been going about this all wrong. There’s no way to show her how he really is when he’s working so hard to hide that side of him from her. And by me pressing the matter, all it’s doing is putting a strain on our marriage.

But I can’t do this alone, either. There’s strength in numbers, but as far as I’m concerned, there’s only one other person I need for this.

It’s early, barely past sunrise, when I walk into the gym. Cam used to come here at three in the morning just to get it in before he went to work. But now that we’ve been renovating the bar, he’s able to come a little later. Still early as fuck though.

“Hey,” a woman greets me. “Haven’t seen you around here. Are you new?”

I don’t miss the way she puffs her chest out and licks her lips to make them shine, but if she saw who is currently sleeping in my bed right now, she would know she doesn’t stand a chance.

“Nope. Just looking for Cam Blanchard.”

She smirks. “Oh, so you’re a friend of Cam’s, huh?”

Great. We’re playing a game of“tell me you’ve fucked my best friend without telling me you’ve fucked my best friend.”

“Yeah, I’m also married to his sister, so you can put your tits away. Thanks.”

Maybe it’s rude. According to Laiken, I have a tendency of being that way. But in this instance, I don’t think she would mind. The woman’s smile drops off her face and she looks a little offended, but that’s not my problem.

I walk around the counter and further into the gym, finding Cam over by the weights. His eyes widen when he sees me.

“Damn, I never thought I’d see the day,” he says.

I chuckle. “Yeah, don’t get used to it. I choose to work out in other ways.”

He puts the dumbbells down and cringes. “Gross. That was only okay to say when it wasn’t my sister you were referring to.”

“Fair point. Forget I said that.”

“I wish I could.” He goes over to a machine and sets the weight. “So, if you’re not here to work out, what has you up at the asscrack of dawn?”

Honestly, I haven’t slept yet. I laid there for a while, listening to the sound of Laiken’s breathing, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t doze off. My mind is on an endless loop. After hearing the fear in Laiken’s voice, I knew that if I don’t figure out another way to go about this, there’s a chance I could lose her.

And that’s not a fucking option for me.

“You need to steal Mali away from Monty,” I tell him.